
Connected Data Source Extensions


With the release of ECMA 2.0, this feature has been depricated and will be removed in future versions. You should use the Extensible Connectivity 2.0 Management Agent Reference for Connector development going forward.

A connected data source extension connects data sources to the Forefront Identity Manager Synchronization Service (FIM Synchronization Service) server using the Extensible Connectivity Management Agent (ECMA). The ECMA uses the connected data source extension to connect to the connected data source. The ECMA either retrieves the data to be synchronized or exports synchronized data from FIM Synchronization Service. Then it disconnects the connected data source from FIM Synchronization Service.

During an import run, the ECMA uses the connected data source extension to do the following tasks:

  • Connect to the connected data source.

  • Retrieve the data from the data source that will be synchronized with other connected data sources.

  • Generate an XML file.

  • Disconnect from the connected data source.

  • Export CSEntry objects, or generate a file with the synchronized data.

  • Process the synchronized data.

During an export run, the ECMA uses the connected data source extension to do the following tasks:

  • Export the data to the connected data source.

  • Export CSEntry objects, or generate a file with the synchronized data.

  • Process the synchronized data.

The following sections explain how to create connected data source extensions:

See Also




Using Forefront Identity Manager Synchronization Service