
Managing Fax Routing Data for Individual Ports (Win32 Environment)

A fax administration application can call the FaxEnumRoutingMethods function to display all of the fax routing methods associated with a particular device. Call the FaxGetRoutingInfo function to query an individual method associated with a device. Both functions return detailed information in FAX_ROUTING_METHOD structures, one method per structure. The data includes an indication of whether the fax routing method is enabled for the device, and the name of the DLL that exports the routing method. It also includes the GUID and function name that uniquely identify the routing method, and the method's user-friendly name.

A call to the FaxSetRoutingInfo function changes the routing data for a particular fax routing method.

Note that an application must first call the FaxOpenPort function to obtain a fax port handle before calling the FaxEnumRoutingMethods, FaxGetRoutingInfo, and FaxSetRoutingInfo functions.

Because functions that begin with FaxGet and FaxEnum allocate the memory required for data buffers, the application must call the FaxFreeBuffer function to deallocate these resources.