
Broadcasting a Fax to Multiple Recipients


To send a fax document efficiently to multiple recipients, an application should call the FaxSendDocument function multiple times. The FaxSendDocumentForBroadcast function is supported for backward compatibility.



This functionality is available only in the Microsoft Win32 environment. It is not available in the Component Object Model (COM) implementation environment.


The FaxSendDocumentForBroadcast function queues several fax jobs that will transmit the same outgoing fax transmission to multiple recipients, from a file stored on disk. The application must specify one file to transmit.

The FaxSendDocumentForBroadcast function calls the FAX_RECIPIENT_CALLBACK function multiple times, once for each designated fax recipient. FAX_RECIPIENT_CALLBACK retrieves information to queue the transmission, and cover page information if a cover page is required.

Call the FaxCompleteJobParams function before calling the FAX_RECIPIENT_CALLBACK function. FaxCompleteJobParams is a utility function that supplies data for members in the FAX_COVERPAGE_INFO and FAX_JOB_PARAM structures. Call the FaxFreeBuffer function to free the memory associated with these structures.

Note that an application must first call the FaxConnectFaxServer function to obtain a fax server handle before calling the FaxSendDocument function and the FaxSendDocumentForBroadcast function.