
Playing Exclusive Streams

You can use an excl time container to play media elements one at a time. In the following example, assume that all of the media elements are at least 30 seconds long. The following playlist will play four digital media files in sequence.

  1. Clip2.wmv plays first and runs for 30 seconds.

  2. Clip1.wmv starts when Clip2.wmv ends and plays for another 30 seconds.

  3. Control then passes to the second excl time container, and clip4.wmv plays for 30 seconds.

  4. Clip3.wmv starts when clip4.wmv ends and runs for 30 seconds.

The endSync attribute assigned to each excl element specifies the synchronization rule applied to the child elements within the container. When this value equals "last", the container ends when all of the child elements have ended.

This is illustrated by the following playlist.

<?wsx version="1.0"?>
     <excl endSync="last"> 
        <media src="c:\wmpub\wmroot\clip1.wmv" begin="30" dur="30" />
        <media src="c:\wmpub\wmroot\clip2.wmv " begin="0" end="30" />

    <excl id="e-id" endSync="last">
        <media src="c:\wmpub\wmroot\clip3.wmv" id="m1" begin="m2.end"
            end="m1.begin + 30" />
        <media src="c:\wmpub\wmroot\clip4.wmv" id="m2" begin="e-id.begin"
            end="m2.begin + 0:30" />

See Also


Attribute Time Formats

Using XML to Define Playlists