
Server-Side Playlist Syntax

Server-side playlist syntax is a subset of the syntax outlined in the Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) 2.0 specification, plus some Microsoft customizations. The following example illustrates the structure of a playlist.

<?wsx version="1.0"?>
    <priorityClass peers="pause">
      <media src="c:\wmpub\wmroot\Notice.wmv" begin="EmergencyNotice" />
      <media src="c:\wmpub\wmroot\Movie.wmv" begin="0h" />

A playlist consists of XML elements and attributes. Most elements are either media elements or time containers that determine when the media elements are played. Attributes are name/value pairs that provide information about the element with which they are associated. In the preceding example, excl, priorityClass, and media are elements, and src is an attribute. For more information, see the Playlist Reference.


For more information about the SMIL 2.0 Specification, W3C Recommendation, see the W3C Web site.

Web addresses can change, so you might be unable to connect to the Web site or sites mentioned here.

See Also


Playlist Attributes

Playlist Elements

Programming Playlists

Server-Side Playlists