
Publishing Content On Demand

The following step-by-step procedure will help configure your Windows Media server to begin publishing your content on demand. Each numbered step lists the topics in the remainder of this section that explain the details of that step.

  1. The first step in publishing your content is to create a new publishing point that can be used to distribute it. For more information, see Creating a New On-Demand Publishing Point.

  2. After creating a new publishing point for your content, be sure that it is properly configured, based on your needs. For more information, see Configuring Your New On-Demand Publishing Point.

  3. Logging events on your publishing point can provide valuable statistical feedback for you and your advertising partners. It can tell you how many times a particular media element has been streamed, as well as how many unique players have been connected to your server. For more information, see Enabling and Configuring Logging on Your New On-Demand Publishing Point.

  4. After everything has been configured, you are ready to start your publishing point and begin streaming your content. For more information, see Starting Your New On-Demand Publishing Point.

See Also


Programming the Server Object Model