
Setting Type of Service (TOS) Bits

The IWMSAdminUnicastSink interface does not contain a property that enables you to specify the Type of Service (TOS) bits in the Internet Protocol (IP) header, but you can do so by directly editing both the system registry and the properties section of the WMS Unicast Data Writer plug-in in the ServerNamespace.xml file.

To edit the properties, open the ServerNamespace.xml file, and add the IP TOS property as illustrated in the following example.

<node name="Unicast Data Sink" opcode="create">
  <node name="Object Store" opcode="create">
    <node name="WMS Unicast Data Writer" opcode="create">
      <node name="CLSID" opcode="create" type="string" value="{EE2356ED-6615-11D2-BEE5-0060082F2054}" /> 
      <node name="Enabled" opcode="create" type="boolean" value="true" /> 
      <node name="Properties" opcode="create">
        <node name="IP TOS" opcode="create" type="int32" value="0x00" />

The value can be changed from 0x00 to the appropriate setting for the IP TOS field. TOS is an 8-bit field. The least significant 6 bits are used for the TOS setting, and the two most significant bits are used for early congestion notification (ECN enabled and ECN reported).

To edit the registry, locate the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters key, create a REG_DWORD value called DisableUserTOSSetting, set it to zero, and restart the computer.

Setting TOS bits is also known as differentiated services and is described in RFC 2474 and 2475. It is supported only for UDP over IPv4 networks.

See Also


Programming System Plug-in Properties