
XPS OM Brushes

This topic describes how to use different types of brushes in an XPS OM.

The brushes in the XPS OM are based on the IXpsOMBrush Interface and include the following:

Tile Brushes

Gradient Brushes

Code Examples

Create a solid-color brush

The following code example creates a solid-color brush from a color value that is defined in the code.

    HRESULT                hr = S_OK;

    XPS_COLOR              xpsColor;
    IXpsOMSolidColorBrush  *brush;

    // creates a solid red brush
    xpsColor.colorType = XPS_COLOR_TYPE_SRGB;
    xpsColor.value.sRGB.alpha = 0xFF;
    xpsColor.value.sRGB.red = 0xFF;
    xpsColor.value.sRGB.green = 0x00;
    xpsColor.value.sRGB.blue = 0x00;

    hr = xpsFactory->CreateSolidColorBrush(
    // use brush

    // when finished with brush, release pointer

Create a visual brush

The following code example creates a brush from a visual object.

    HRESULT                       hr = S_OK;
    IXpsOMVisualBrush             *brush;

    XPS_RECT viewBoxRect = {0,0,0,0};
    XPS_RECT viewPortRect = {0,0,0,0};

    // set viewBoxRect to define the portion of the visual to use
    // as the brush.
    // set viewPortRect to define the location and size of the 
    // the brush in the destination 
    // create the brush
    hr = xpsFactory->CreateVisualBrush (

    // assign the visual object
    //   brushVisual points to a visual
    //   that is defined outside of this example

    hr = brush->SetVisualLocal (brushVisual);
    // use brush
    // when finished with brush, release pointer

Create an image brush

Refer to the code example in Place Images in an XPS OM.

Create a linear-gradient brush

The following code example creates a linear-gradient brush. The gradient has two gradient stops.

    HRESULT                       hr = S_OK;
    XPS_COLOR                     xpsColorStop;
    IXpsOMGradientStop            *xpsGradientStop1, *xpsGradientStop2;
    IXpsOMLinearGradientBrush     *brush;
    XPS_POINT                     startPoint, endPoint;

    // define the start color
    xpsColorStop.colorType        = XPS_COLOR_TYPE_SRGB;
    xpsColorStop.value.sRGB.alpha = 0xFF;
    xpsColorStop.value.sRGB.red   = 0xE4;
    xpsColorStop.value.sRGB.green = 0x3B;
    xpsColorStop.value.sRGB.blue  = 0x2F;
    // create a gradient stop by setting the color and location 
    // for the beginning of the gradient
    hr = xpsFactory->CreateGradientStop(
    startPoint.x = 375.75f;
    startPoint.y = 18.0f;

    // define the end color
    xpsColorStop.colorType        = XPS_COLOR_TYPE_SRGB;
    xpsColorStop.value.sRGB.alpha = 0xFF;
    xpsColorStop.value.sRGB.red   = 0xEF;
    xpsColorStop.value.sRGB.green = 0x79;
    xpsColorStop.value.sRGB.blue  = 0x2F;

    // create a gradient stop by setting the color and  location
    //  for the end of the gradient
    hr = xpsFactory->CreateGradientStop(
    endPoint.x   = 375.75f;
    endPoint.y   = 134.6f;

    // create the brush
    hr = xpsFactory->CreateLinearGradientBrush(
    // release gradient stops after creating brush

    // when finished with brush, release pointer to brush

IXpsOMGradientBrush Interface

IXpsOMImageBrush Interface

IXpsOMLinearGradientBrush Interface

IXpsOMRadialGradientBrush Interface

IXpsOMSolidColorBrush Interface

IXpsOMTileBrush Interface

IXpsOMVisualBrush Interface


XML Paper Specification