
RenderStateManager Class (Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D)

Defines device render states.


Visual Basic NotInheritable Public Class RenderStateManager
    Inherits ObjectLeave Site
C# public sealed class RenderStateManager : ObjectLeave Site
C++ public ref class RenderStateManager sealed : ObjectLeave Site
JScript public final class RenderStateManager extends ObjectLeave Site

Members Table

The following table lists the members exposed by the object.


Method Description
ToString Obtains a string representation of the current instance.


Property Description
AdaptiveTessellateW Amount to adaptively tessellate in the w direction. The default value is 0.0f.
AdaptiveTessellateX Amount to adaptively tessellate in the x direction. The default value is 0.0f.
AdaptiveTessellateY Amount to adaptively tessellate in the y direction. The default value is 0.0f.
AdaptiveTessellateZ Amount to adaptively tessellate in the z direction. The default value is 1.0f.
AlphaBlendEnable Retrieves or sets a value to enable alpha-blended transparency.
AlphaBlendOperation Retrieves or sets a value to select the arithmetic operation applied to the separate for the alpha channel (also known as separate alpha blending) when the render state, RenderStateManager.SeparateAlphaBlendEnabled, is set to true.
AlphaDestinationBlend Contains a member of the Blend enumeration that represents the destination .
AlphaFunction Retrieves or sets the comparison function for the alpha test.
AlphaSourceBlend Contains a member of the Blend enumeration that represents the source .
AlphaTestEnable Retrieves or sets a render state that enables a per-pixel alpha test.
Ambient Retrieves or sets the ambient light color.
AmbientColor Retrieves or sets the ambient light color.
AmbientMaterialSource Retrieves or sets the ambient color source for lighting calculations.
AntiAliasedLineEnable Retrieves or sets antialiasing of lines.
BlendFactor Retrieves or sets a ColorLeave Site object to use for a constant blend factor during alpha blending.
BlendFactorColor Retrieves or sets a ColorLeave Site object to use for a constant blend factor during alpha blending.
BlendOperation Retrieves or sets a value used to select the arithmetic operation to apply when the alpha blend render state, RenderStateManager.AlphaBlendEnable, is set to true.
Clipping Retrieves or sets a value to enable primitive clipping by Microsoft Direct3D.
ColorVertex Retrieves or sets a value to enable or disable per-vertex color.
ColorWriteEnable Retrieves or sets a value that enables a per-channel write for the render target color buffer.
ColorWriteEnable1 Retrieves or sets additional RenderStateManager.ColorWriteEnable values for the device.
ColorWriteEnable2 Retrieves or sets additional RenderStateManager.ColorWriteEnable values for devices.
ColorWriteEnable3 Retrieves or sets additional RenderStateManager.ColorWriteEnable values for devices.
CounterClockwiseStencilFail Retrieves the StencilOperation or sets it to perform if the counterclockwise (CCW) stencil test fails.
CounterClockwiseStencilFunction Retrieves or sets the comparison function used by the counterclockwise (CCW) stencil test.
CounterClockwiseStencilPass Retrieves the StencilOperation or sets it to perform, if both counterclockwise (CCW) stencil and z-tests pass.
CounterClockwiseStencilZBufferFail Retrieves the StencilOperation or sets it to perform if the counterclockwise (CCW) stencil test passes and the z-test fails.
CullMode Specifies how back-facing triangles are culled, if at all.
DebugMonitorTokenEnabled Enables or disables the debug monitor token.
DepthBias Sets or retrieves the depth bias for polygons.
DestinationBlend Contains a member of the Blend enumeration that represents the destination .
DiffuseMaterialSource Retrieves or sets the diffuse color source for lighting calculations.
DitherEnable Enables or disables dithering.
EmissiveMaterialSource Retrieves or sets the emissive color source for lighting calculations.
EnableAdaptiveTessellation Enables or disables adaptive tessellation.
FillMode Contains a member of the FillMode enumeration that represents the fill mode.
FogColor Retrieves or sets the fog color.
FogColorValue Retrieves or sets the fog color.
FogDensity Retrieves or sets the fog density for pixel or vertex fog used in exponential fog modes.
FogEnable Enables or disables fog blending.
FogEnd Retrieves or sets the depth at which pixel or vertex fog effects end for linear fog mode.
FogStart Retrieves or sets the depth at which pixel or vertex fog effects begin for linear fog mode.
FogTableMode Retrieves or sets the fog formula to use for pixel fog.
FogVertexMode Retrieves or sets the fog formula to use for vertex fog.
IndexedVertexBlendEnable Enables or disables indexed vertex blending.
LastPixel Enables or disables drawing of the last pixel in a line.
Lighting Enables or disables Direct3D lighting.
LocalViewer Specifies whether to use camera-relative specular highlights or orthogonal specular highlights.
MaxTessellationLevel Retrieves or sets the maximum tessellation level.
MinTessellationLevel Retrieves or sets the minimum tessellation level.
MultiSampleAntiAlias Determines how individual samples are computed when using a multisample render target buffer.
MultiSampleMask Retrieves or sets a render state that enables use of a multisample buffer as an accumulation buffer.
NormalDegree Retrieves or sets the degree of interpolation (linear, cubic, quadratic, or quintic) using the N-patch normal.
NormalizeNormals Enables or disables automatic normalization of vertex normals.
PatchEdgeStyle Retrieves or sets the tessellation mode for patch edges.
PointScaleA Controls the distance-based size attenuation for point primitives.
PointScaleB Controls the distance-based size attenuation for point primitives.
PointScaleC Controls the distance-based size attenuation for point primitives.
PointScaleEnable Controls how the computation of size for point sprites is handled.
PointSize Specifies the size to use for point size computation in cases in which point size is not specified for each vertex.
PointSizeMax Specifies the maximum size to which point sprites can be set.
PointSizeMin Specifies the minimum size to which point sprites can be set.
PointSpriteEnable Controls how point sprites are rendered.
PositionDegree Retrieves or sets the N-patch position interpolation degree.
RangeFogEnable Retrieves or sets enabling of range-based vertex fog.
ReferenceAlpha Specifies a reference alpha value against which pixels are tested when alpha testing is enabled.
ReferenceStencil Specifies a reference value to use for the stencil test.
ScissorTestEnable Enables or disables scissor testing.
SeparateAlphaBlendEnabled Enables or disables the separate for the alpha channel.
ShadeMode Contains one or more members of the ShadeMode enumeration.
SlopeScaleDepthBias Retrieves or sets a value used to determine how much bias can be applied to coplanar primitives to reduce z-fighting.
SourceBlend Contains a member of the Blend enumeration.
SpecularEnable Retrieves or sets a render state that enables specular highlights.
SpecularMaterialSource Retrieves or sets the specular color source for lighting calculations.
SrgbWriteEnable Retrieves or sets a render state that enables render-target writes to be gamma corrected to sRGB.
StencilEnable Retrieves or sets stencil enabling.
StencilFail Retrieves or sets the stencil operation to perform if the stencil test fails.
StencilFunction Retrieves or sets the comparison function for the stencil test.
StencilMask Retrieves or sets the mask applied to the reference value and each stencil buffer entry to determine the significant bits for the stencil test.
StencilPass Retrieves or sets the stencil operation to perform if both the stencil test and the depth test (z-test) pass.
StencilWriteMask Retrieves or sets the write mask applied to values written into the stencil buffer.
StencilZBufferFail Retrieves or sets the stencil operation to perform if the stencil test passes and the depth test (z-test) fails.
TextureFactor Retrieves or sets the color used for multiple-texture blending with the TextureArgument.TFactor texture blending argument or the TextureOperation.BlendFactorAlpha texture blending operation.
TweenFactor Retrieves or sets a floating-point value that controls the tween factor.
TwoSidedStencilMode Enables or disables two-sided stenciling.
UseWBuffer Enables or disables w-buffering.
VertexBlend Retrieves or sets the number of matrices to use to perform geometry blending.
Wrap0 Retrieves or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.
Wrap1 Retrieves or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.
Wrap10 Retrieves or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.
Wrap11 Retrieves or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.
Wrap12 Retrieves or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.
Wrap13 Retrieves or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.
Wrap14 Retrieves or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.
Wrap15 Retrieves or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.
Wrap2 Retrieves or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.
Wrap3 Retrieves or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.
Wrap4 Retrieves or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.
Wrap5 Retrieves or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.
Wrap6 Retrieves or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.
Wrap7 Retrieves or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.
Wrap8 Retrieves or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.
Wrap9 Retrieves or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.
ZBufferEnable Enables or disables depth buffering.
ZBufferFunction Retrieves or sets the comparison function for the z-buffer test.
ZBufferWriteEnable Enables or disables writing to the depth buffer.

Inheritance Hierarchy

ObjectLeave Site



The Device.RenderState property can be used to obtain the RenderStateManager object for the device.

Class Information

Namespace Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D
Assembly Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D (microsoft.directx.direct3d.dll)
Strong Name Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D,  Version=1.0.900.0,  Culture=neutral,  PublicKeyToken=d3231b57b74a1492