
Format Enumeration (Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D)

Defines various types of surface formats. For a more complete discussion, see Surface Formats.


Visual Basic Public Enum Format
C# public enum Format
C++ public enum class Format
JScript public enum Format


Member Value Description
D24SingleS8 83 Nonlockable format that contains 24 bits of depth (in a 24-bit floating-point format - 20e4) and 8 bits of stencil.
D32SingleLockable 82 Lockable format in which the depth value is represented as a standard IEEE floating-point number.
D24X4S4 79 A 32-bit z-buffer bit depth that uses 24 bits for the depth channel and 4 bits for the stencil channel.
D24X8 77 A 2-bit z-buffer bit depth that uses 24 bits for the depth channel.
L16 81 16-bit luminance only.
D16 80 A 16-bit z-buffer bit depth.
D24S8 75 A 32-bit z-buffer bit depth that uses 24 bits for the depth channel and 8 bits for the stencil channel.
D15S1 73 A 16-bit z-buffer bit depth that reserves 15 bits for the depth channel and 1 bit for the stencil channel.
D32 71 A 32-bit z-buffer bit depth.
D16Lockable 70 A 16-bit z-buffer bit depth.
G8R8G8B8 1111970375 A 16-bit packed RGB format analogous to YUY2 (Y0U0, Y1V0, Y2U2, etc.). It requires a pixel pair to properly represent the color value. The first pixel in the pair contains 8 bits of green (in the high 8 bits) and 8 bits of red (in the low 8 bits). The second pixel contains 8 bits of green (in the high 8 bits) and 8 bits of blue (in the low 8 bits). Together, the two pixels share the red and blue components, and each has a unique green component (G0R0, G1B0, G2R2, etc.). The texture sampler does not normalize the colors when looking up into a pixel shader; they remain in the range of 0.0f to 255.0f. This is true for all programmable pixel shader models. For the fixed function pixel shader, the hardware should normalize to the range of 0.f to 1.f and treat it as the YUY2 texture. Hardware that exposes this format must have Caps.PixelShader1xMaxValue set to a value capable of handling that range.
R8G8B8G8 1195525970 A 16-bit packed RGB format analogous to UYVY (U0Y0, V0Y1, U2Y2, etc.). It requires a pixel pair to properly represent the color value. The first pixel in the pair contains 8 bits of green (in the low 8 bits) and 8 bits of red (in the high 8 bits). The second pixel contains 8 bits of green (in the low 8 bits) and 8 bits of blue (in the high 8 bits). Together, the two pixels share the red and blue components, and each has a unique green component (R0G0, B0G1, R2G2, etc.). The texture sampler does not normalize the colors when looking up into a pixel shader; they remain in the range of 0.0f to 255.0f. This is true for all programmable pixel shader models. For the fixed function pixel shader, the hardware should normalize to the range of 0.f to 1.f and treat it as the YUY2 texture. Hardware that exposes this format must have Caps.PixelShader1xMaxValue set to a value capable of handling that range.
CxV8U8 117 A 32-bit normal compression format. The texture sampler computes the C channel from the signed most significant byte and least significant byte values.
A32B32G32R32F 116 Floating-point surface format that uses 32 bits per channel.
G32R32F 115 Floating-point surface format that uses 32 bits per channel.
R32F 114 Floating-point surface format that uses 32 bits per channel.
A16B16G16R16F 113 A 64-bit float format that uses 16 bits per channel (alpha, blue, green, red).
G16R16F 112 Floating-point surface format that uses 16 bits per channel.
R16F 111 Floating-point surface format that uses 16 bits per channel.
Multi2Argb8 827606349 MET1 compression texture format.
Q16W16V16U16 110 A 64-bit bump-map format that uses 16 bits for each component.
VertexData 100 Vertex buffer surface.
Dxt5 894720068 DXT5 compression texture format.
Dxt4 877942852 DXT4 compression texture format.
Dxt3 861165636 DXT3 compression texture format.
Dxt2 844388420 DXT2 compression texture format.
Dxt1 827611204 DXT1 compression texture format.
Yuy2 844715353 YUY2 format (PC98 compliance).
Uyvy 1498831189 UYVY format (PC98 compliance).
A2W10V10U10 67 A 32-bit bump-map format that uses 2 bits for alpha and 10 bits each for w, v, and u data.
V16U16 64 A 32-bit bump-map format that uses 16 bits per channel.
Q8W8V8U8 63 A 32-bit bump-map format that uses 8 bits per channel.
X8L8V8U8 62 A 32-bit bump-map format with luminance that uses 8 bits per channel.
L6V5U5 61 A 16-bit bump-map format with luminance that uses 6 bits for luminance and 5 bits each for v and u data.
V8U8 60 A 16-bit bump-map format that uses 8 bits each for u and v data.
A4L4 52 An 8-bit format that uses 4 bits each for alpha and luminance.
A8L8 51 A 16-bit format that uses 8 bits each for alpha and luminance.
L8 50 An 8-bit format with luminance only.
P8 41 An 8-bit format, color indexed.
A8P8 40 An 8-bit format, color indexed with 8 bits of alpha.
A16B16G16R16 36 A 64-bit pixel format that uses 16 bits per component.
A2R10G10B10 35 A 32-bit pixel format that uses 10 bits each for red, green, and blue, and 2 bits for alpha.
G16R16 34 A 32-bit pixel format that uses 16 bits each for green and red.
X8B8G8R8 33 A 32-bit RGB pixel format that reserves 8 bits for each color.
A8B8G8R8 32 A 32-bit ARGB pixel format, with alpha, that uses 8 bits per channel.
A2B10G10R10 31 A 32-bit pixel format that uses 10 bits for each color and 2 bits for alpha.
X4R4G4B4 30 A 16-bit RGB pixel format that uses 4 bits per color.
A8R3G3B2 29 A 16-bit ARGB texture format that uses 8 bits for alpha, 3 bits each for red and green, and 2 bits for blue.
A8 28 8-bit alpha only.
R3G3B2 27 An 8-bit RGB texture format that uses 3 bits for red, 3 bits for green, and 2 bits for blue.
A4R4G4B4 26 A 16-bit ARGB pixel format that uses 4 bits per channel.
A1R5G5B5 25 A 16-bit pixel format that reserves 5 bits for each color and 1 bit for alpha.
X1R5G5B5 24 A 16-bit pixel format that reserves 5 bits for each color.
R5G6B5 23 A 16-bit RGB pixel format that uses 5 bits for red, 6 bits for green, and 5 bits for blue.
X8R8G8B8 22 A 32-bit RGB pixel format that reserves 8 bits for each color.
A8R8G8B8 21 A 32-bit ARGB pixel format, with alpha, that uses 8 bits per channel.
R8G8B8 20 A 24-bit RGB pixel format that uses 8 bits per channel.
Unknown 0 Unknown surface format.


For a more complete discussion, see Surface Formats.

Enumeration Information

Namespace Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D
Assembly Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D (microsoft.directx.direct3d.dll)
Strong Name Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D,  Version=1.0.900.0,  Culture=neutral,  PublicKeyToken=d3231b57b74a1492

See Also