
BlendCaps Structure (Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D)

Indicates the supported capabilities.


Visual Basic Public Structure BlendCaps
C# public struct BlendCaps 
C++ public value class BlendCaps sealed 
JScript In JScript, you can use structures, but you cannot define your own.

Members Table

The following table lists the members exposed by the object.


Method Description
ToString Obtains a string representation of the current instance.


Property Description
SupportsBlendFactor Indicates that the driver supports the BlendFactor and InvBlendFactor constants.
SupportsBothInverseSourceAlpha Indicates that the driver supports a in which the source blend factor is (1 - As, 1 - As, 1 - As, 1 - As), the destination blend factor is (As, As, As, As), and the destination blend selection is overridden.
SupportsBothSourceAlpha Indicates that the driver supports the SourceAlpha and InvSourceAlpha blend modes. The SupportsBothSourceAlpha blend mode is obsolete. To achieve the same effect, set the source and destination blend factors to Blend.SourceAlpha and Blend.InvSourceAlpha in separate calls.
SupportsDestinationAlpha Indicates that the driver supports the DestinationAlpha blend mode.
SupportsDestinationColor Indicates that the driver supports the DestinationColor blend mode.
SupportsInverseDestinationAlpha Indicates that the driver supports the InvDestinationAlpha blend mode.
SupportsInverseDestinationColor Indicates that the driver supports the InvDestinationColor blend mode.
SupportsInverseSourceAlpha Indicates that the driver supports the InvSourceAlpha blend mode.
SupportsInverseSourceColor Indicates that the driver supports the InvSourceColor blend mode.
SupportsOne Indicates that the driver supports the One blend mode.
SupportsSourceAlpha Indicates that the driver supports the SourceAlpha blend mode.
SupportsSourceAlphaSat Indicates that the driver supports the SourceAlphaSat blend mode.
SupportsSourceColor Indicates that the driver supports the SourceColor blend mode.
SupportsZero Indicates that the driver supports the Zero blend mode.

Structure Information

Namespace Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D
Assembly Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D (microsoft.directx.direct3d.dll)
Strong Name Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D,  Version=1.0.900.0,  Culture=neutral,  PublicKeyToken=d3231b57b74a1492