Address |
Contains the address information for a contact. |
AddressCollection |
Contains a collection of Address objects. The AddressCollection class is used with the Contact.Addresses property. |
AddressLineCollection |
Contains a collection of AddressLine objects. |
AssertionStatusItem |
Represents a publisher assertion and status information. A publisher assertion is a claim that two businesses are related. |
AssertionStatusItemCollection |
Used with the AssertionStatusReport.AssertionStatusItems property to contain a collection of one or more AssertionStatusItem objects. |
BusinessEntity |
Represents a UDDI business entity. |
BusinessEntityCollection |
Contains a collection of BusinessEntity objects. An instance of this class is contained in the BusinessDetail.BusinessEntities property. |
BusinessEntityExt |
Represents a UDDI extended business entity. The BusinessDetailExt.BusinessEntitiesExt property contains a collection of BusinessEntityExt objects. |
BusinessEntityExtCollection |
Contains a collection of BusinessEntityExt objects. An instance of this class is contained in the BusinessDetailExt.BusinessEntitiesExt property. |
BusinessInfo |
Manages information about a registered UDDI business. The information in this class is a subset of the information in the BusinessEntity class. |
BusinessInfoCollection |
Contains a collection of BusinessInfo objects. An instance of this class is contained in the BusinessList.BusinessInfos property. |
Contact |
Holds contact information for a business. Contact information includes addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses. The BusinessEntity.Contacts property contains a ContactCollection object that contains a collection of Contact objects. |
ContactCollection |
The ContactCollection class contains a collection of Contact objects. An instance of this class is obtained from the BusinessEntity.Contacts property. |
DiscoveryUrlCollection |
Contains a collection of DiscoveryUrl objects. An instance of this class is obtained from the BusinessEntity.DiscoveryUrls and FindBusiness.DiscoveryUrls properties. |
EmailCollection |
Contains a collection of Email objects. An instance of this class is obtained from the Contact.Emails property. |
KeysOwned |
Represents the keys that are managed by a given publisher. The AssertionStatusItem.KeysOwned property contains an instance of this class. |
PhoneCollection |
Contains a collection of Phone structures. An instance of this class is obtained from the Contact.Phones property. |
PublisherAssertion |
Represents a publisher assertion. A publisher assertion is a claim that two business entities are related. The PublisherAssertionCollection class contains a collection of PublisherAssertion objects. |
PublisherAssertionCollection |
Used to contain a collection of PublisherAssertion objects. |
RelatedBusinessInfo |
Represents information about a related business. |
RelatedBusinessInfoCollection |
Manages a collection of RelatedBusinessInfo objects. |
SharedRelationships |
Represents a relationship between two business entities. |