
Finding Related Categories

Note: The Microsoft UDDI SDK is not supported by or included in Microsoft Windows versions after Microsoft Windows Server 7. The Microsoft UDDI V3 SDK is included with Microsoft BizTalk Server. For more information about the Microsoft UDDI V3 SDK, see Microsoft BizTalk Server documentation

This topic describes how to get the child categories that are related to a specified category that is available on a UDDI server.


This topic shows how to find categories that are related to a specified category on a UDDI server. Specifically, this example shows how to get the child categories of a given category. With minor code modifications, you can also retrieve parent categories.

Prerequisites and Requirements

To find the related categories of a specified category, you need to know the categorization scheme and the category name. The example gets the child categories of the root categories. For more information about getting the root categories of a categorization scheme, see Finding Root Categories.

This example requires the following components:

The following namespaces:

Example Code

This example is a recursive method that shows the child categories of only the first category in each category collection. If you would like to see the child categories of all categories in the categorization scheme, follow the instructions that are in the comments of the example code. The example also has a routine that indents the category name to make the results easier to read.

The following example shows how to use the Visual C# programming language to find the child categories that are related to a specified category.

static void GetChildCategoriesExample(UddiConnection validConnection,
                                      TModelInfo catScheme,
                                      CategoryValue rootValue,
                                      StringBuilder displayText,
                                      int indent)
    CategoryList childCategoryList = null;
    Category parentCategory = new Category( catScheme.TModelKey, 
                                            rootValue.KeyValue );    
    parentCategory.RelationshipQualifiers.Add( RelationshipQualifier.child);

    GetRelatedCategories relatedCategories = new GetRelatedCategories( parentCategory );       

        childCategoryList = relatedCategories.Send( validConnection );
    catch( InvalidKeyPassedException invalidKeyPassed )
        // Insert error-handling code for this exception.
        displayText.Append( "Invalid Key Passed." );
    catch( InvalidUrlPassedException badURL )
        // Insert error-handling code for this exception.
        displayText.Append( "Bad URL" );
    catch(UddiException genericUDDIException)
        // Insert error-handling code for this exception.
        displayText.Append( genericUDDIException.Message );
    catch( Exception otherException)
        // Insert error-handling code for this exception.  
        displayText.Append( otherException.Message );
        displayText.Append( otherException.GetType().ToString() );
    CategoryValueCollection childCategories = null;
    childCategories = childCategoryList.CategoryInfos[0].Children;    
    foreach(CategoryValue childCategory in childCategories)
        displayText.Append( "\r\n" );
        // This routine indents each line a specified number of spaces
        // to make the child categories easier to read.       
        for( int counter = 1; counter < indent; ++counter )
            displayText.Append(" ");
        // End indent routine.
        displayText.Append( childCategory.KeyName );
        // Display the children of the first category in the collection.
        // To display the child categories of all the categories,
        // remove the conditional statements.            
        if(0 == childCategories.IndexOf( childCategory) )
            GetChildCategoriesExample( validConnection, 
                                       ++indent );


The following example shows how to use the Visual Basic .NET programming language to find the child categories that are related to a specified category.

Sub GetChildCategoriesExample(ByVal validConnection As UddiConnection, _
                              ByVal catScheme As TModelInfo, _
                              ByVal rootValue As CategoryValue, _
                              ByVal displayText As StringBuilder, _
                              ByVal indent As Integer)

    Dim childCategoryList As CategoryList

    Dim parentCategory As New Category(catScheme.TModelKey, _


    Dim relatedCategories As New GetRelatedCategories(parentCategory)


        childCategoryList = relatedCategories.Send(validConnection)

    Catch invalidKeyPassed As InvalidKeyPassedException

        ' Insert error-handling code for this exception.
        displayText.Append("Invalid Key Passed")


    Catch badURL As InvalidUrlPassedException

        ' Insert error-handling code for this exception.
        displayText.Append("Bad URL")


    Catch genericUDDIException As UddiException

        ' Insert error-handling code for this exception.


    Catch otherException As Exception

        ' Insert error-handling code for this exception.



    End Try

    Dim childCategories As CategoryValueCollection

    childCategories = childCategoryList.CategoryInfos(0).Children

    Dim childCategory As CategoryValue

    For Each childCategory In childCategories


        ' This optional routine indents each line a specified number of spaces
        ' to make the child categories easier to read.
        Dim counter As Integer

        For counter = 1 To indent

            displayText.Append(" ")

        ' End routine.


        ' Display the children of the first category in the collection.
        ' To display the child categories of all the categories, 
        ' add comment marks to the If and End If lines.
        If childCategories.IndexOf(childCategory) = 0 Then

            GetChildCategoriesExample(validConnection, _
                                      catScheme, _
                                      childCategory, _
                                      displayText, _
                                      indent + 1)

        End If


End Sub

Example Result

When you run the example code, the StringBuilder object produces results that are similar to the following list. This is a list generated using the TModelKey property of the ntis-gov:naics:2002 categorization scheme and the KeyValue property of the root category Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting:

  Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting
   Crop Production
    Oilseed and Grain Farming
     Soybean Farming
      Soybean Farming-This category does not have any child categories.
     Oilseed (except Soybean) Farming
     Dry Pea and Bean Farming
     Wheat Farming
     Corn Farming
     Rice Farming
     Other Grain Farming
    Vegetable and Melon Farming
    Fruit and Tree Nut Farming
    Greenhouse, Nursery, and Floriculture Production
    Other Crop Farming
   Animal Production
   Forestry and Logging
   Fishing, Hunting and Trapping
   Support Activities for Agriculture and Forestry

Implementation Steps

The following sections show how to implement the example:

Implementation Steps in C#

  1. Create a method that accepts the following parameters:

    • A valid UddiConnection object.

    • A TModelInfo object. This object contains the categorization scheme that contains the specified category with the child categories that you want to find.

    • A CategoryValue object. This object represents the specified category with the child categories that you want to find.

    • A StringBuilder object. This object is used to contain the information about the child categories.

    • An integer variable that is used to indent category names.

    static void GetChildCategoriesExample(UddiConnection validConnection,
                                          TModelInfo catScheme,
                                          CategoryValue rootValue,
                                          StringBuilder displayText,
                                          int indent)
  2. Create a CategoryList variable and initialize it to null. This variable will contain the results of the message from the UDDI server.

    static void GetChildCategoriesExample(UddiConnection validConnection,
                                          TModelInfo catScheme,
                                          CategoryValue rootValue,
                                          StringBuilder displayText,
                                          int indent)
        CategoryList childCategoryList = null;
  3. Create an instance of the Category class using the Category constructor method with the TModelKey and the KeyValue passed to the method. This object will be used to create the message that is sent to the UDDI server to get the related categories.

    static void GetChildCategoriesExample(UddiConnection validConnection,
                                          TModelInfo catScheme,
                                          CategoryValue rootValue,
                                          StringBuilder displayText,
                                          int indent)
        CategoryList childCategoryList = null;
        Category parentCategory = new Category( catScheme.TModelKey, 
                                                rootValue.KeyValue );    
  4. Using the Add method, set the RelationshipQualifiers property of the Category object to the child member of the RelationshipQualifier enumeration.

    static void GetChildCategoriesExample(UddiConnection validConnection,
                                          TModelInfo catScheme,
                                          CategoryValue rootValue,
                                          StringBuilder displayText,
                                          int indent)
        CategoryList childCategoryList = null;
        Category parentCategory = new Category( catScheme.TModelKey, 
                                                rootValue.KeyValue );    
        parentCategory.RelationshipQualifiers.Add( RelationshipQualifier.child);
  5. Create an instance of the GetRelatedCategories class using the GetRelatedCategories constructor method with the Category object that was created in the previous step. This object is the message that will be sent to the UDDI server.

    static void GetChildCategoriesExample(UddiConnection validConnection,
                                          TModelInfo catScheme,
                                          CategoryValue rootValue,
                                          StringBuilder displayText,
                                          int indent)
        CategoryList childCategoryList = null;
        Category parentCategory = new Category( catScheme.TModelKey, 
                                                rootValue.KeyValue );    
        parentCategory.RelationshipQualifiers.Add( RelationshipQualifier.child);
        GetRelatedCategories relatedCategories = new GetRelatedCategories( parentCategory );       
  6. Transmit the request to the UDDI server by using the Send method with the UddiConnection object passed into the method. The CategoryList variable receives the results of the request.

    static void GetChildCategoriesExample(UddiConnection validConnection,
                                          TModelInfo catScheme,
                                          CategoryValue rootValue,
                                          StringBuilder displayText,
                                          int indent)
        CategoryList childCategoryList = null;
        Category parentCategory = new Category( catScheme.TModelKey, 
                                                rootValue.KeyValue );    
        parentCategory.RelationshipQualifiers.Add( RelationshipQualifier.child);
        GetRelatedCategories relatedCategories = new GetRelatedCategories( parentCategory );       
        childCategoryList = relatedCategories.Send( validConnection );
  7. Handle any exceptions that might occur by using a try-catch statement. Some possible exceptions are shown in the example code. Wrap the request in the try statement and handle any exceptions in the catch statement.

    static void GetChildCategoriesExample(UddiConnection validConnection,
                                          TModelInfo catScheme,
                                          CategoryValue rootValue,
                                          StringBuilder displayText,
                                          int indent)
        CategoryList childCategoryList = null;
        Category parentCategory = new Category( catScheme.TModelKey, 
                                                rootValue.KeyValue );    
        parentCategory.RelationshipQualifiers.Add( RelationshipQualifier.child);
        GetRelatedCategories relatedCategories = new GetRelatedCategories( parentCategory );       
            childCategoryList = relatedCategories.Send( validConnection );
        catch( InvalidKeyPassedException invalidKeyPassed )
            // Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append( "Invalid Key Passed." );
        catch( InvalidUrlPassedException badURL )
            // Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append( "Bad URL" );
        catch(UddiException genericUDDIException)
            // Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append( genericUDDIException.Message );
        catch( Exception otherException)
            // Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append( otherException.Message );
            displayText.Append( otherException.GetType().ToString() );
  8. Create a CategoryValueCollection variable and initialize it to null. This variable will contain the related categories collection from the CategoryList variable.

    static void GetChildCategoriesExample(UddiConnection validConnection,
                                          TModelInfo catScheme,
                                          CategoryValue rootValue,
                                          StringBuilder displayText,
                                          int indent)
        CategoryList childCategoryList = null;
        Category parentCategory = new Category( catScheme.TModelKey, 
                                                rootValue.KeyValue );    
        parentCategory.RelationshipQualifiers.Add( RelationshipQualifier.child);
        GetRelatedCategories relatedCategories = new GetRelatedCategories( parentCategory );       
            childCategoryList = relatedCategories.Send( validConnection );
        catch( InvalidKeyPassedException invalidKeyPassed )
            // Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append( "Invalid Key Passed." );
        catch( InvalidUrlPassedException badURL )
            // Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append( "Bad URL" );
        catch(UddiException genericUDDIException)
            // Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append( genericUDDIException.Message );
        catch( Exception otherException)
            // Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append( otherException.Message );
            displayText.Append( otherException.GetType().ToString() );
        CategoryValueCollection childCategories = null;
  9. Set the CategoryValueCollection variable to the CategoryInfos property of the CategoryList object. The CategoryInfos property is a property of the Children property.


    The CategoryList variable contains only one collection of related categories because the example finds the related categories of single category. If you were to specify multiple categories to search, the CategoryInfos property would contain a collection array of related categories for each specified category. You would then iterate the collection array to find each collection for each specified category.

    To find related categories of multiple categories, add each category to a CategoryCollection object and then use the GetRelatedCategories constructor method with the CategoryCollection object to create an instance of the GetRelatedCategories class. For more information, see GetRelatedCategories.

    static void GetChildCategoriesExample(UddiConnection validConnection,
                                          TModelInfo catScheme,
                                          CategoryValue rootValue,
                                          StringBuilder displayText,
                                          int indent)
        CategoryList childCategoryList = null;
        Category parentCategory = new Category( catScheme.TModelKey, 
                                                rootValue.KeyValue );    
        parentCategory.RelationshipQualifiers.Add( RelationshipQualifier.child);
        GetRelatedCategories relatedCategories = new GetRelatedCategories( parentCategory );       
            childCategoryList = relatedCategories.Send( validConnection );
        catch( InvalidKeyPassedException invalidKeyPassed )
            // Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append( "Invalid Key Passed." );
        catch( InvalidUrlPassedException badURL )
            // Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append( "Bad URL" );
        catch(UddiException genericUDDIException)
            // Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append( genericUDDIException.Message );
        catch( Exception otherException)
            // Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append( otherException.Message );
            displayText.Append( otherException.GetType().ToString() );
        CategoryValueCollection childCategories = null;
        childCategories = childCategoryList.CategoryInfos[0].Children;    
  10. Iterate through the CategoryValueCollection object to get information about the related categories. In this example, the name of each related category is added to the StringBuilder object that will be used to display information about the related categories.

    static void GetChildCategoriesExample(UddiConnection validConnection,
                                          TModelInfo catScheme,
                                          CategoryValue rootValue,
                                          StringBuilder displayText,
                                          int indent)
        CategoryList childCategoryList = null;
        Category parentCategory = new Category( catScheme.TModelKey, 
                                                rootValue.KeyValue );    
        parentCategory.RelationshipQualifiers.Add( RelationshipQualifier.child);
        GetRelatedCategories relatedCategories = new GetRelatedCategories( parentCategory );       
            childCategoryList = relatedCategories.Send( validConnection );
        catch( InvalidKeyPassedException invalidKeyPassed )
            // Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append( "Invalid Key Passed." );
        catch( InvalidUrlPassedException badURL )
            // Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append( "Bad URL" );
        catch(UddiException genericUDDIException)
            // Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append( genericUDDIException.Message );
        catch( Exception otherException)
            // Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append( otherException.Message );
            displayText.Append( otherException.GetType().ToString() );
        CategoryValueCollection childCategories = null;
        childCategories = childCategoryList.CategoryInfos[0].Children;    
        foreach(CategoryValue childCategory in childCategories)
            displayText.Append( "\r\n" );
            displayText.Append( childCategory.KeyName );
  11. Optional. To make the results easier to read when you display the contents of the StringBuilder object, you can indent each category name by using the following routine.

    static void GetChildCategoriesExample(UddiConnection validConnection,
                                          TModelInfo catScheme,
                                          CategoryValue rootValue,
                                          StringBuilder displayText,
                                          int indent)
        CategoryList childCategoryList = null;
        Category parentCategory = new Category( catScheme.TModelKey, 
                                                rootValue.KeyValue );    
        parentCategory.RelationshipQualifiers.Add( RelationshipQualifier.child);
        GetRelatedCategories relatedCategories = new GetRelatedCategories( parentCategory );       
            childCategoryList = relatedCategories.Send( validConnection );
        catch( InvalidKeyPassedException invalidKeyPassed )
            // Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append( "Invalid Key Passed." );
        catch( InvalidUrlPassedException badURL )
            // Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append( "Bad URL" );
        catch(UddiException genericUDDIException)
            // Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append( genericUDDIException.Message );
        catch( Exception otherException)
            // Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append( otherException.Message );
            displayText.Append( otherException.GetType().ToString() );
        CategoryValueCollection childCategories = null;
        childCategories = childCategoryList.CategoryInfos[0].Children;    
        foreach(CategoryValue childCategory in childCategories)
            displayText.Append( "\r\n" );
            // This routine indents each line a specified number of spaces
            // to make the child categories easier to read.       
            for( int counter = 1; counter < indent; ++counter )
                displayText.Append(" ");
            // End indent routine.
            displayText.Append( childCategory.KeyName );
  12. Optional. To find the child related categories of each category, you can recursively call this method. This example gets only the child categories of the first category in the collection.

    static void GetChildCategoriesExample(UddiConnection validConnection,
                                          TModelInfo catScheme,
                                          CategoryValue rootValue,
                                          StringBuilder displayText,
                                          int indent)
        CategoryList childCategoryList = null;
        Category parentCategory = new Category( catScheme.TModelKey, 
                                                rootValue.KeyValue );    
        parentCategory.RelationshipQualifiers.Add( RelationshipQualifier.child);
        GetRelatedCategories relatedCategories = new GetRelatedCategories( parentCategory );       
            childCategoryList = relatedCategories.Send( validConnection );
        catch( InvalidKeyPassedException invalidKeyPassed )
            // Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append( "Invalid Key Passed." );
        catch( InvalidUrlPassedException badURL )
            // Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append( "Bad URL" );
        catch(UddiException genericUDDIException)
            // Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append( genericUDDIException.Message );
        catch( Exception otherException)
            // Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append( otherException.Message );
            displayText.Append( otherException.GetType().ToString() );
        CategoryValueCollection childCategories = null;
        childCategories = childCategoryList.CategoryInfos[0].Children;    
        foreach(CategoryValue childCategory in childCategories)
            displayText.Append( "\r\n" );
            // This routine indents each line a specified number of spaces
            // to make the child categories easier to read.       
            for( int counter = 1; counter < indent; ++counter )
                displayText.Append(" ");
            // End indent routine.
            displayText.Append( childCategory.KeyName );
            // Display the children of the first category in the collection. If you
            // To display the child categories of all the categories,
            // remove the conditional statements.            
            if(0 == childCategories.IndexOf( childCategory) )
                GetChildCategoriesExample( validConnection, 
                                           ++indent );

Implementation Steps In Visual Basic .NET

  1. Create a method that accepts the following parameters:

    • A valid UddiConnection object.

    • A TModelInfo object. This object contains the categorization scheme that contains the specified category with the child categories that you want to find.

    • A CategoryValue object. This object represents the specified category with the child categories that you want to find.

    • A StringBuilder object. This object is used to contain the information about the child categories.

    • An integer variable that is used to indent category names.

    Sub GetChildCategoriesExample(ByVal validConnection As UddiConnection, _
                                  ByVal catScheme As TModelInfo, _
                                  ByVal rootValue As CategoryValue, _
                                  ByVal displayText As StringBuilder, _
                                  ByVal indent As Integer)
    End Sub
  2. Create a CategoryList variable that will be used to contain the results of the message from the UDDI server.

    Sub GetChildCategoriesExample(ByVal validConnection As UddiConnection, _
                                  ByVal catScheme As TModelInfo, _
                                  ByVal rootValue As CategoryValue, _
                                  ByVal displayText As StringBuilder, _
                                  ByVal indent As Integer)
        Dim childCategoryList As CategoryList
    End Sub
  3. Create an instance of the Category class using the Category constructor method with the TModelKey and the KeyValue passed to the method. This object will be used to create the message sent to the UDDI server to get the related categories.

    Sub GetChildCategoriesExample(ByVal validConnection As UddiConnection, _
                                  ByVal catScheme As TModelInfo, _
                                  ByVal rootValue As CategoryValue, _
                                  ByVal displayText As StringBuilder, _
                                  ByVal indent As Integer)
        Dim childCategoryList As CategoryList
        Dim parentCategory As New Category(catScheme.TModelKey, _
    End Sub
  4. Using the Add method, set the RelationshipQualifiers property of the Category object to the child member of the RelationshipQualifier enumeration.

    Sub GetChildCategoriesExample(ByVal validConnection As UddiConnection, _
                                  ByVal catScheme As TModelInfo, _
                                  ByVal rootValue As CategoryValue, _
                                  ByVal displayText As StringBuilder, _
                                  ByVal indent As Integer)
        Dim childCategoryList As CategoryList
        Dim parentCategory As New Category(catScheme.TModelKey, _
    End Sub
  5. Create an instance of the GetRelatedCategories class using the GetRelatedCategories constructor method with the Category object created in the previous step. This object is the message that will be sent to the UDDI server.

    Sub GetChildCategoriesExample(ByVal validConnection As UddiConnection, _
                                  ByVal catScheme As TModelInfo, _
                                  ByVal rootValue As CategoryValue, _
                                  ByVal displayText As StringBuilder, _
                                  ByVal indent As Integer)
        Dim childCategoryList As CategoryList
        Dim parentCategory As New Category(catScheme.TModelKey, _
        Dim relatedCategories As New GetRelatedCategories(parentCategory)
    End Sub
  6. Transmit the request to the UDDI server by using the Send method with the UddiConnection object passed into the method. The CategoryList variable receives the results of the request.

    Sub GetChildCategoriesExample(ByVal validConnection As UddiConnection, _
                                  ByVal catScheme As TModelInfo, _
                                  ByVal rootValue As CategoryValue, _
                                  ByVal displayText As StringBuilder, _
                                  ByVal indent As Integer)
        Dim childCategoryList As CategoryList
        Dim parentCategory As New Category(catScheme.TModelKey, _
        Dim relatedCategories As New GetRelatedCategories(parentCategory)
        childCategoryList = relatedCategories.Send(validConnection)
    End Sub
  7. Handle any exceptions that may occur by using a Try...Catch statement. Some possible exceptions are shown in the example code. Wrap the request in the Try statement and handle any exceptions in the Catch statement.

    Sub GetChildCategoriesExample(ByVal validConnection As UddiConnection, _
                                  ByVal catScheme As TModelInfo, _
                                  ByVal rootValue As CategoryValue, _
                                  ByVal displayText As StringBuilder, _
                                  ByVal indent As Integer)
        Dim childCategoryList As CategoryList
        Dim parentCategory As New Category(catScheme.TModelKey, _
        Dim relatedCategories As New GetRelatedCategories(parentCategory)
            childCategoryList = relatedCategories.Send(validConnection)
        Catch invalidKeyPassed As InvalidKeyPassedException
            ' Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append("Invalid Key Passed")
        Catch badURL As InvalidUrlPassedException
            ' Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append("Bad URL")
        Catch genericUDDIException As UddiException
            ' Insert error-handling code for this exception.
        Catch otherException As Exception
            ' Insert error-handling code for this exception.
        End Try
    End Sub
  8. Create a CategoryValueCollection variable that contains the related categories collection from the CategoryList variable.

    Sub GetChildCategoriesExample(ByVal validConnection As UddiConnection, _
                                  ByVal catScheme As TModelInfo, _
                                  ByVal rootValue As CategoryValue, _
                                  ByVal displayText As StringBuilder, _
                                  ByVal indent As Integer)
        Dim childCategoryList As CategoryList
        Dim parentCategory As New Category(catScheme.TModelKey, _
        Dim relatedCategories As New GetRelatedCategories(parentCategory)
            childCategoryList = relatedCategories.Send(validConnection)
        Catch invalidKeyPassed As InvalidKeyPassedException
            ' Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append("Invalid Key Passed")
        Catch badURL As InvalidUrlPassedException
            ' Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append("Bad URL")
        Catch genericUDDIException As UddiException
            ' Insert error-handling code for this exception.
        Catch otherException As Exception
            ' Insert error-handling code for this exception.
        End Try
        Dim childCategories As CategoryValueCollection
    End Sub
  9. Set the CategoryValueCollection variable to the CategoryInfos property of the CategoryList object. The CategoryInfos property is a property of the Children property.


    The CategoryList variable contains only one collection of related categories because the example finds the related categories of single category. If you were to specify multiple categories to search, the CategoryInfos property would contain a collection array of related categories for each specified category. You would then iterate the collection array to find each collection for each specified category. To find related categories of multiple categories, add each category to a CategoryCollection object and then use the GetRelatedCategories constructor method with the CategoryCollection object to create an instance of the GetRelatedCategories class. For more information, see GetRelatedCategories.

    Sub GetChildCategoriesExample(ByVal validConnection As UddiConnection, _
                                  ByVal catScheme As TModelInfo, _
                                  ByVal rootValue As CategoryValue, _
                                  ByVal displayText As StringBuilder, _
                                  ByVal indent As Integer)
        Dim childCategoryList As CategoryList
        Dim parentCategory As New Category(catScheme.TModelKey, _
        Dim relatedCategories As New GetRelatedCategories(parentCategory)
            childCategoryList = relatedCategories.Send(validConnection)
        Catch invalidKeyPassed As InvalidKeyPassedException
            ' Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append("Invalid Key Passed")
        Catch badURL As InvalidUrlPassedException
            ' Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append("Bad URL")
        Catch genericUDDIException As UddiException
            ' Insert error-handling code for this exception.
        Catch otherException As Exception
            ' Insert error-handling code for this exception.
        End Try
        Dim childCategories As CategoryValueCollection.
        childCategories = childCategoryList.CategoryInfos(0).Children
    End Sub
  10. Iterate through the CategoryValueCollection object to get information about the related categories. In this example, each the name of each related category is added to the StringBuilder object that will be used to display this information.

    Sub GetChildCategoriesExample(ByVal validConnection As UddiConnection, _
                                  ByVal catScheme As TModelInfo, _
                                  ByVal rootValue As CategoryValue, _
                                  ByVal displayText As StringBuilder, _
                                  ByVal indent As Integer)
        Dim childCategoryList As CategoryList
        Dim parentCategory As New Category(catScheme.TModelKey, _
        Dim relatedCategories As New GetRelatedCategories(parentCategory)
            childCategoryList = relatedCategories.Send(validConnection)
        Catch invalidKeyPassed As InvalidKeyPassedException
            ' Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append("Invalid Key Passed")
        Catch badURL As InvalidUrlPassedException
            ' Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append("Bad URL")
        Catch genericUDDIException As UddiException
            ' Insert error-handling code for this exception.
        Catch otherException As Exception
            ' Insert error-handling code for this exception.
        End Try
        Dim childCategories As CategoryValueCollection
        childCategories = childCategoryList.CategoryInfos(0).Children
        Dim childCategory As CategoryValue
        For Each childCategory In childCategories
    End Sub
  11. Optional. To make the results easier to read when you display the contents of the StringBuilder object, you can indent each category name by using the following routine.

    Sub GetChildCategoriesExample(ByVal validConnection As UddiConnection, _
                                  ByVal catScheme As TModelInfo, _
                                  ByVal rootValue As CategoryValue, _
                                  ByVal displayText As StringBuilder, _
                                  ByVal indent As Integer)
        Dim childCategoryList As CategoryList
        Dim parentCategory As New Category(catScheme.TModelKey, _
        Dim relatedCategories As New GetRelatedCategories(parentCategory)
            childCategoryList = relatedCategories.Send(validConnection)
        Catch invalidKeyPassed As InvalidKeyPassedException
            ' Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append("Invalid Key Passed")
        Catch badURL As InvalidUrlPassedException
            ' Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append("Bad URL")
        Catch genericUDDIException As UddiException
            ' Insert error-handling code for this exception.
        Catch otherException As Exception
            ' Insert error-handling code for this exception.
        End Try
        Dim childCategories As CategoryValueCollection
        childCategories = childCategoryList.CategoryInfos(0).Children
        Dim childCategory As CategoryValue
        For Each childCategory In childCategories
            ' This optional routine indents each line a specified number of spaces
            ' to make the child categories easier to read.
            Dim counter As Integer
            For counter = 1 To indent
                displayText.Append(" ")
            ' End routine
    End Sub
  12. Optional. To find the child categories of each category, you can recursively call this method. This example gets only the child categories of the first category in the collection.

    Sub GetChildCategoriesExample(ByVal validConnection As UddiConnection, _
                                  ByVal catScheme As TModelInfo, _
                                  ByVal rootValue As CategoryValue, _
                                  ByVal displayText As StringBuilder, _
                                  ByVal indent As Integer)
        Dim childCategoryList As CategoryList
        Dim parentCategory As New Category(catScheme.TModelKey, _
        Dim relatedCategories As New GetRelatedCategories(parentCategory)
            childCategoryList = relatedCategories.Send(validConnection)
        Catch invalidKeyPassed As InvalidKeyPassedException
            ' Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append("Invalid Key Passed")
        Catch badURL As InvalidUrlPassedException
            ' Insert error-handling code for this exception.
            displayText.Append("Bad URL")
        Catch genericUDDIException As UddiException
            ' Insert error-handling code for this exception.
        Catch otherException As Exception
            ' Insert error-handling code for this exception.
        End Try
        Dim childCategories As CategoryValueCollection
        childCategories = childCategoryList.CategoryInfos(0).Children
        Dim childCategory As CategoryValue
        For Each childCategory In childCategories
            ' This optional routine indents each line a specified number of spaces
            ' to make the child categories easier to read.
            Dim counter As Integer
            For counter = 1 To indent
                displayText.Append(" ")
            ' End routine
            ' Display the children of the first category in the collection.
            ' To display the child categories of all the categories, 
            ' add comment marks to the If and End If lines.
            If childCategories.IndexOf(childCategory) = 0 Then
                GetChildCategoriesExample(validConnection, _
                                          catScheme, _
                                          childCategory, _
                                          displayText, _
                                          indent + 1)
            End If
    End Sub

See Also




Microsoft.Uddi Assembly
Finding Root Categories
Finding Categorization Schemes
Specifying Access Points

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