
CRgn Class Members


CRgn Constructs a CRgn object.


CreateRectRgn Initializes a CRgn object with a rectangular region.
CreateRectRgnIndirect Initializes a CRgn object with a rectangular region defined by a RECT structure.
CreateEllipticRgn Initializes a CRgn object with an elliptical region.
CreateEllipticRgnIndirect Initializes a CRgn object with an elliptical region defined by a RECT structure.
CreatePolygonRgn Initializes a CRgn object with a polygonal region. The system closes the polygon automatically, if necessary, by drawing a line from the last vertex to the first.
CreatePolyPolygonRgn Initializes a CRgn object with a region consisting of a series of closed polygons. The polygons may be disjoint, or they may overlap.
CreateRoundRectRgn Initializes a CRgn object with a rectangular region with rounded corners.
CombineRgn Sets a CRgn object so that it is equivalent to the union of two specified CRgn objects.
CopyRgn Sets a CRgn object so that it is a copy of a specified CRgn object.
CreateFromPath Creates a region from the path that is selected into the given device context.
CreateFromData Creates a region from the given region and transformation data.


EqualRgn Checks two CRgn objects to determine whether they are equivalent.
FromHandle Returns a pointer to a CRgn object when given a handle to a Windows region.
GetRegionData Fills the specified buffer with data describing the given region.
GetRgnBox Retrieves the coordinates of the bounding rectangle of a CRgn object.
OffsetRgn Moves a CRgn object by the specified offsets.
PtInRegion Determines whether a specified point is in the region.
RectInRegion Determines whether any part of a specified rectangle is within the boundaries of the region.
SetRectRgn Sets the CRgn object to the specified rectangular region.


operator HRGN Returns the Windows handle contained in the CRgn object.

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