
CRecordset Class Members

Data Members
Recordset Attributes
Recordset Update Operations
Recordset Navigation Operations
Other Recordset Operations
Recordset Overridables

Data Members

m_hstmt Contains the ODBC statement handle for the recordset. Type HSTMT.
m_nFields Contains the number of field data members in the recordset. Type UINT.
m_nParams Contains the number of parameter data members in the recordset. Type UINT.
m_pDatabase Contains a pointer to the CDatabase object through which the recordset is connected to a data source.
m_strFilter Contains a CString that specifies a Structured Query Language (SQL) WHERE clause. Used as a filter to select only those records that meet certain criteria.
m_strSort Contains a CString that specifies an SQL ORDER BY clause. Used to control how the records are sorted.


CRecordset Constructs a CRecordset object. Your derived class must provide a constructor that calls this one.
Open Opens the recordset by retrieving the table or performing the query that the recordset represents.
Close Closes the recordset and the ODBC HSTMT associated with it.

Recordset Attributes

CanAppend Returns nonzero if new records can be added to the recordset via the AddNew member function.
CanBookmark Returns nonzero if the recordset supports bookmarks.
CanRestart Returns nonzero if Requery can be called to run the recordset’s query again.
CanScroll Returns nonzero if you can scroll through the records.
CanTransact Returns nonzero if the data source supports transactions.
CanUpdate Returns nonzero if the recordset can be updated (you can add, update, or delete records).
GetODBCFieldCount Returns the number of fields in the recordset.
GetRecordCount Returns the number of records in the recordset.
GetStatus Gets the status of the recordset: the index of the current record and whether a final count of the records has been obtained.
GetTableName Gets the name of the table on which the recordset is based.
GetSQL Gets the SQL string used to select records for the recordset.
IsOpen Returns nonzero if Open has been called previously.
IsBOF Returns nonzero if the recordset has been positioned before the first record. There is no current record.
IsEOF Returns nonzero if the recordset has been positioned after the last record. There is no current record.
IsDeleted Returns nonzero if the recordset is positioned on a deleted record.

Recordset Update Operations

AddNew Prepares for adding a new record. Call Update to complete the addition.
CancelUpdate Cancels any pending updates due to an AddNew or Edit operation.
Delete Deletes the current record from the recordset. You must explicitly scroll to another record after the deletion.
Edit Prepares for changes to the current record. Call Update to complete the edit.
Update Completes an AddNew or Edit operation by saving the new or edited data on the data source.

Recordset Navigation Operations

GetBookmark Assigns the bookmark value of a record to the parameter object.
Move Positions the recordset to a specified number of records from the current record in either direction.
MoveFirst Positions the current record on the first record in the recordset. Test for IsBOF first.
MoveLast Positions the current record on the last record or on the last rowset. Test for IsEOF first.
MoveNext Positions the current record on the next record or on the next rowset. Test for IsEOF first.
MovePrev Positions the current record on the previous record or on the previous rowset. Test for IsBOF first.
SetAbsolutePosition Positions the recordset on the record corresponding to the specified record number.
SetBookmark Positions the recordset on the record specified by the bookmark.

Other Recordset Operations

Cancel Cancels an asynchronous operation or a process from a second thread.
FlushResultSet Returns nonzero if there is another result set to be retrieved, when using a predefined query.
GetFieldValue Returns the value of a field in a recordset.
GetODBCFieldInfo Returns specific kinds of information about the fields in a recordset.
GetRowsetSize Returns the number of records you wish to retrieve during a single fetch.
GetRowsFetched Returns the actual number of rows retrieved during a fetch.
GetRowStatus Returns the status of the row after a fetch.
IsFieldDirty Returns nonzero if the specified field in the current record has been changed.
IsFieldNull Returns nonzero if the specified field in the current record is Null (has no value).
IsFieldNullable Returns nonzero if the specified field in the current record can be set to Null (having no value).
RefreshRowset Refreshes the data and status of the specified row(s).
Requery Runs the recordset’s query again to refresh the selected records.
SetFieldDirty Marks the specified field in the current record as changed.
SetFieldNull Sets the value of the specified field in the current record to Null (having no value).
SetLockingMode Sets the locking mode to “optimistic” locking (the default) or “pessimistic” locking. Determines how records are locked for updates.
SetParamNull Sets the specified parameter to Null (having no value).
SetRowsetCursorPosition Positions the cursor on the specified row within the rowset.

Recordset Overridables

Check Called to examine the return code from an ODBC API function.
CheckRowsetError Called to handle errors generated during record fetching.
DoBulkFieldExchange Called to exchange bulk rows of data from the data source to the recordset. Implements bulk record field exchange (Bulk RFX).
DoFieldExchange Called to exchange data (in both directions) between the field data members of the recordset and the corresponding record on the data source. Implements record field exchange (RFX).
GetDefaultConnect Called to get the default connect string.
GetDefaultSQL Called to get the default SQL string to execute.
OnSetOptions Called to set options for the specified ODBC statement.
SetRowsetSize Specifies the number of records you wish to retrieve during a fetch.

CRecordset OverviewBase Class MembersHierarchy Chart