

Handles Win32 exceptions (C structured exceptions) as C++ typed exceptions.



Routine Required Header Compatibility
_set_se_translator <eh.h> Win 95, Win NT

For additional compatibility information, see Compatibility in the Introduction.


LIBC.LIB Single thread static library, retail version
LIBCMT.LIB Multithread static library, retail version
MSVCRT.LIB Import library for MSVCRT.DLL, retail version

Return Value

_set_se_translator returns a pointer to the previous translator function registered by _set_se_translator, so that the previous function can be restored later. If no previous function has been set, the return value may be used to restore the default behavior; this value may be NULL.



Pointer to a C structured exception translator function that you write


The _set_se_translator function provides a way to handle Win32 exceptions (C structured exceptions) as C++ typed exceptions. To allow each C exception to be handled by a C++ catch handler, first define a C exception “wrapper” class that can be used, or derived from, in order to attribute a specific class type to a C exception. To use this class, install a custom C exception translator function that is called by the internal exception-handling mechanism each time a C exception is raised. Within your translator function, you can throw any typed exception that can be caught by a matching C++ catch handler.

To specify a custom translation function, call _set_se_translator with the name of your translation function as its argument. The translator function that you write is called once for each function invocation on the stack that has try blocks. There is no default translator function.

In a multithreaded environment, translator functions are maintained separately for each thread. Each new thread needs to install its own translator function. Thus, each thread is in charge of its own translation handling.

The se_trans_func function that you write must take an unsigned integer and a pointer to a Win32 _EXCEPTION_POINTERS structure as arguments. The arguments are the return values of calls to the Win32 API GetExceptionCode and GetExceptionInformation functions, respectively.



#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <eh.h>

void SEFunc();
void trans_func( unsigned int, EXCEPTION_POINTERS* );

class SE_Exception
    unsigned int nSE;
    SE_Exception() {}
    SE_Exception( unsigned int n ) : nSE( n ) {}
    ~SE_Exception() {}
    unsigned int getSeNumber() { return nSE; }
void main( void )
        _set_se_translator( trans_func );
    catch( SE_Exception e )
        printf( "Caught a __try exception with SE_Exception.\n" );
void SEFunc()
        int x, y=0;
        x = 5 / y;
        printf( "In finally\n" );
void trans_func( unsigned int u, EXCEPTION_POINTERS* pExp )
    printf( "In trans_func.\n" );
    throw SE_Exception();


In finally.
In trans_func.
Caught a __try exception with SE_Exception.

Exception Handling Routines

See Also   set_terminate, set_unexpected, terminate, unexpected