
COleDocument Class Members


COleDocument Constructs a COleDocument object.


HasBlankItems Checks for blank items in the document.
EnableCompoundFile Causes documents to be stored using the OLE Structured Storage file format.
GetInPlaceActiveItem Returns the OLE item that is currently in-place active.
GetStartPosition Gets the initial position to begin iteration.
GetNextItem Gets the next document item for iterating.
GetNextClientItem Gets the next client item for iterating.
GetNextServerItem Gets the next server item for iterating.
UpdateModifiedFlag Marks the document as modified if any of the contained OLE items have been modified.
ApplyPrintDevice Sets the print-target device for all client items in the document.
AddItem Adds an item to the list of items maintained by the document.
RemoveItem Removes an item from the list of items maintained by the document.


GetPrimarySelectedItem Returns the primary selected OLE item in the document.
OnShowViews Called when the document becomes visible or invisible.

Mail Functions

OnFileSendMail Sends a mail message with the document attached.

Message Handlers

OnEditChangeIcon Handles events in the Change Icon menu command.
OnEditConvert Handles the conversion of an embedded or linked object from one type to another.
OnEditLinks Handles events in the Links command on the Edit menu.
OnUpdateEditChangeIcon Called by the framework to update the command UI for the Edit/Change Icon menu option.
OnUpdateEditLinksMenu Called by the framework to update the command UI for the Edit/Links menu option.
OnUpdateObjectVerbMenu Called by the framework to update the command UI for the Edit/ObjectName menu option and the Verb submenu accessed from Edit/ObjectName.
OnUpdatePasteLinkMenu Called by the framework to update the command UI for the Paste Special menu option.
OnUpdatePasteMenu Called by the framework to update the command UI for the Paste menu option.

COleDocument OverviewBase Class MembersHierarchy Chart