
Displaying the Base Class Graph for a Class


To display a base class graph

  1. Select the class name in a source file or the standard toolbar Find box.

  2. On the Tools menu, click Source Browser.

  3. In the Select Query list box, select Base Classes and Members.

  4. Click OK.

    The Base Classes And Members window appears, with the selected class name displayed at the top of the left pane. The following figure shows an example of this window.

Base Classes and Members Window

The following table describes the window elements, the function of each element, and the user's actions.

Base Classes and Members Window



Left pane Displays the base class graph. Click the plus sign or minus sign to expand or contract the graph. To display information for a class, click the class name or folder icon. To open the source file for a class, double-click the class name or folder icon.
Top right
Displays member functions and member variables of the class selected in the left pane. One or more codes identify each symbol. Double-click the member whose definition you want to see.
Bottom right
Displays available definitions and references for the symbol selected in the left pane or top right pane. Double-click the definition or reference you want to see.
Pushpin Determines whether or not the window disappears after it loses focus. Select to push or pull the pin.
Help button Displays help for the window. Select for help.
Filter buttons Filter the browse query to display selected types of information. For more information on filters, see Filtering Browse Information for Classes. Select filter type from the lists.

If the class has multiple inheritance, and one base class appears in more than one inheritance path, the second and subsequent instances of the class name have an ellipsis (…) after them. You cannot expand nodes that have ellipses.