

void FillSolidRect( LPCRECT lpRect**, COLORREF** clr );

void FillSolidRect( int x**, int** y**, int** cx**, int** cy**, COLORREF** clr );



Specifies the bounding rectangle (in logical units). You can pass either a pointer to a RECT data structure or a CRect object for this parameter.

clr   Specifies the color to to be used to fill the rectangle.


Specifies the logical x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle.


Specifies the logical y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle.


Specifies the width of the rectangle.


Specifies the height of the rectangle.


Call this member function to fill the given rectangle with the specified solid color.

FillSolidRect is very similar to CDC::FillRect; however, FillSolidRect uses only solid colors (indicated by the COLORREF parameter), while FillRect takes a brush and therefore can be used to fill a rectangle with a solid color, a dithered color, hatched brushes, or a pattern. FillSolidRect usually is faster than FillRect.

Note   When you call FillSolidRect, the background color, which was previously set using SetBkColor, is set to the color indicated by clr.

CDC OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   RECT, CRect, CDC::FillRect