



Return Value

Positive if the function is successful, except for the QUERYESCSUPPORT escape, which only checks for implementation. Zero is returned if the escape is not implemented, and a negative value is returned if an error occurred. The following are common error values:

  • SP_ERROR   General error.

  • SP_OUTOFDISK   Not enough disk space is currently available for spooling, and no more space will become available.

  • SP_OUTOFMEMORY   Not enough memory is available for spooling.

  • SP_USERABORT   User ended the job through the Print Manager.



Specifies the escape function to be performed.

For a complete list of escape functions, see the information on printer escapes in the Windows Software Development Kit documentation.


Specifies the number of bytes of data pointed to by lpszInData.


Points to the input data structure required for this escape.


Points to the structure that is to receive output from this escape. The lpOutData parameter is NULL if no data is returned.


Specifies the number of bytes of data pointed to by the lpszInputData parameter.


Points to the input structure required for the specified escape.


Specifies the number of bytes of data pointed to by the lpszOutputData parameter.


Points to the structure that receives output from this escape. This parameter should be NULL if no data is returned.


Allows applications to access facilities of a particular device that are not directly available through GDI. Use the first version of Escape to pass a driver-defined escape value to a device. Use the second version of Escape to pass one of the escape values defined by Windows to a device. Escape calls made by an application are translated and sent to the device driver.

The nEscape parameter specifies the escape function to be performed. For possible values, see the information on printer escapes in the Windows SDK documentation.

CDC OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CDC::StartDoc, CDC::StartPage, CDC::EndPage, CDC::SetAbortProc, CDC::AbortDoc, CDC::EndDoc, CDC::GetDeviceCaps, ,