CDBVariant Class Members
Data Members
m_dwType | Contains the data type of the currently stored value. Type DWORD. |
m_boolVal | Contains a value of type BOOL. |
m_chVal | Contains a value of type unsigned char. |
m_iVal | Contains a value of type short. |
m_lVal | Contains a value of type long. |
m_fltVal | Contains a value of type float. |
m_dblVal | Contains a value of type double. |
m_pdate | Contains a pointer to an object of type TIMESTAMP_STRUCT. |
m_pstring | Contains a pointer to an object of type CString. |
m_pbinary | Contains a pointer to an object of type CLongBinary. |
CDBVariant | Constructs a CDBVariant object. |
Clear | Clears the CDBVariant object. |