
Internet Programming with WinInet

OverviewHow Do I

An Internet client application is a program that accesses information from a network data source (server) using Internet protocols such as gopher, FTP, or HTTP. An Internet client application might access a server to retrieve data such as weather maps, stock prices, or newspaper headlines, for example. The Internet client can access the server through an external network (the Internet) or an internal network (sometimes called an intranet).

MFC includes the Win32 Internet Extensions, or WinInet, for creating an Internet client application. MFC encapsulates these Internet extensions in a set of standard, easy-to-use classes. You can write a WinInet client application by calling the Win32 functions directly or by using the MFC WinInet classes.

If you want to write an Internet server application, use the MFC Internet Server API (ISAPI) extensions.

The following topics discuss the process of creating an Internet client application:

The following topics provide steps for performing typical WinInet tasks:

See AlsoInternet: Where Is..., WinInet (HTTP, FTP, gopher), Internet First Steps: WinInet