
CDialog Class Members


CDialog Constructs a CDialog object.


Create Initializes the CDialog object. Creates a modeless dialog box and attaches it to the CDialog object.
CreateIndirect Creates a modeless dialog box from a dialog-box template in memory (not resource-based).
InitModalIndirect Creates a modal dialog box from a dialog-box template in memory (not resource-based). The parameters are stored until the function DoModal is called.


DoModal Calls a modal dialog box and returns when done.
MapDialogRect Converts the dialog-box units of a rectangle to screen units.
NextDlgCtrl Moves the focus to the next dialog-box control in the dialog box.
PrevDlgCtrl Moves the focus to the previous dialog-box control in the dialog box.
GotoDlgCtrl Moves the focus to a specified dialog-box control in the dialog box.
SetDefID Changes the default pushbutton control for a dialog box to a specified pushbutton.
GetDefID Gets the ID of the default pushbutton control for a dialog box.
SetHelpID Sets a context-sensitive help ID for the dialog box.
EndDialog Closes a modal dialog box.


OnInitDialog Override to augment dialog-box initialization.
OnSetFont Override to specify the font that a dialog-box control is to use when it draws text.
OnOK Override to perform the OK button action in a modal dialog box. The default closes the dialog box and DoModal returns IDOK.
OnCancel Override to perform the Cancel button or ESC key action. The default closes the dialog box and DoModal returns IDCANCEL.

CDialog OverviewBase Class MembersHierarchy Chart