
CPoint::operator +


CPoint operator +( POINT point ) const;

CRect operator +( const RECT* lpRect ) const;

Return Value

A CPoint that is offset by a size, a CPoint that is offset by a point, or a CRect offset by a point.



Contains a SIZE structure or CSize object.


Contains a POINT structure or CPoint object.


Contains a pointer to a RECT structure or CRect object.


Use this operator to offset CPoint by a CPoint or CSize object, or to offset a CRect by a CPoint.

For example, using one of the first two overloads to offset the point
CPoint(25, -19) by a point CPoint(15, 5) or size CSize(15, 5) returns the value CPoint(40, -14).

Adding a rectangle to a point returns the rectangle after being offset by the the x and y values specified in the point. For example, using the last overload to offset a rectangle CRect(125, 219, 325, 419) by a point CPoint(25, -19) returns CRect(150, 200, 350, 400).


CPoint   ptStart(100, 100);
CSize   szOffset(35, 35);

ptStart += szOffset;

CPoint   ptResult(135, 135);

ASSERT(ptResult == ptStart);

// also works on SIZE

ptStart = CPoint(100, 100);

SIZE   sz;
sz.cx = 35;
sz.cy = 35;

ptStart += sz;

ASSERT(ptResult == ptStart);

CPoint OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CPoint::operator –=, CPoint::operator –, CPoint::operator +=, CSize::operator +, CRect::operator +, CPoint::Offset, CRect::OffsetRect