
ODBC Administrator

OverviewHow Do IFAQSampleODBC Driver List

ODBC Administrator registers and configures the data sources available to you either locally or across a network. ClassWizard uses information supplied by ODBC Administrator to create code in your applications that connects your users to data sources.

****Note   ****This information applies to ODBC data sources set up for use with either the MFC ODBC classes or the MFC Data Access Object (DAO) classes. To use an ODBC data source, you must first register and configure it.

You must use ODBC Administrator to add and remove data sources. Depending on the ODBC driver, you can also create new data sources.

During Setup, you select the ODBC drivers you want to install. You can later install additional drivers that ship with Visual C++ using the Visual C++ Setup program.

****Note   ****ODBC Administrator is installed during Setup. If you chose Custom Installation and did not select any ODBC drivers in the “Database Options” dialog box, you need to run Setup again to install the necessary files.

If you want to install ODBC drivers that do not ship with Visual C++, you must run the setup program that accompanies the driver.

To install ODBC drivers that ship with Visual C++

****Note   ****This procedure assumes that you have already installed VC++ and are rerunning Setup to add the ODBC drivers that ship with VC++.

  1. Run Setup from your Visual C++ distribution CD.

    This displays the opening dialog box in the Setup program.

  2. Click Next on each dialog box until you reach the Installation Options dialog box. Select the Custom radio button and click Next.

  3. Clear all of the check boxes on the Microsoft Visual C++ Setup dialog box except the Database Options check box. Click Details to display the Database Options dialog box.

  4. Clear the Microsoft Data Access Objects check box, select the Microsoft ODBC Drivers check box, and click Details.

    This displays the Microsoft ODBC Drivers dialog box.

  5. Select the drivers you want to install, then click OK twice.

  6. Click Next on the remaining dialog boxes to begin the installation. Setup notifies you when the installation is complete.

Once the drivers are installed, you can configure the data source using the ODBC Administrator. You will find the ODBC icon in the Control Panel. For information about configuring a data source with ODBC Administrator, see the ODBC SDK Programmer’s Reference on the MSDN Library CD.

See Also   Data Source (ODBC)