
How Do I Have Multiple ISAPI Filters and Extensions?

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You can have only one instance of a class derived from CHttpServer in a given DLL. You can have multiple DLLs installed, and each server extension DLL can have more than one command.

You can only have one instance of a class derived from CHttpFilter in a given DLL. One filter can register to receive multiple notifications. If you want to have a high-priority filter along with other notifications, use separate filters in separate DLLs, since all filters in the same DLL share the same priority.

Can my Filter and Server Extension Both Be in the Same DLL?

You can have one filter (receiving multiple notifications, if desired) and one server extension in the same DLL. This can be useful if you have a filter and a server extension that are related. For example, you may want to perform post-processing of data before sending it on to the client so that you can customize the look for a particular browser. Another instance would be to communicate between your filter and your extension. You can put the filter and application into the same DLL and add a key value header during the filter SF_NOTIFY_PREPROC_HEADERS notification. The application can obtain the key by looking up the corresponding context.

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