


Return Value

Nonzero if the function is successful; otherwise 0.



Specifies the logical x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle that is to receive the pattern.


Specifies the logical y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle that is to receive the pattern.


Specifies the width (in logical units) of the rectangle that is to receive the pattern.


Specifies the height (in logical units) of the rectangle that is to receive the pattern.


Specifies the raster-operation code. Raster-operation codes (ROPs) define how GDI combines colors in output operations that involve a current brush, a possible source bitmap, and a destination bitmap. This parameter can be one of the following values:

  • PATCOPY   Copies pattern to destination bitmap.

  • PATINVERT   Combines destination bitmap with pattern using the Boolean XOR operator.

  • DSTINVERT   Inverts the destination bitmap.

  • BLACKNESS   Turns all output black.

  • WHITENESS   Turns all output white.


Creates a bit pattern on the device. The pattern is a combination of the selected brush and the pattern already on the device. The raster-operation code specified by dwRop defines how the patterns are to be combined. The raster operations listed for this function are a limited subset of the full 256 ternary raster-operation codes; in particular, a raster-operation code that refers to a source cannot be used.

Not all device contexts support the PatBlt function. To determine whether a device context supports PatBlt, call the GetDeviceCaps member function with the RASTERCAPS index and check the return value for the RC_BITBLT flag.

CDC OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CDC::GetDeviceCaps,