
About Setting Accelerator Properties

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The Accel Properties page allows you to control the features of each accelerator key. By default, the property page is dismissed when it does not have focus. If you want the property page to remain on the screen, even when it does not have focus, click the Pushpin button in the upper-left corner of the window.

You can also select several accelerator keys together and change their properties at one time.

The following are legal entries in the Key box of an accelerator property page:

  • An integer between 0 and 255 in decimal, hexadecimal, or octal format. The setting of the Type property determines if the number is an ASCII or virtual key value.

  • Single-digit numbers are always interpreted as the corresponding key, rather than as ASCII values. To enter an ASCII value from 0 to 9, precede it with two zeros (for example, 006).

  • A single keyboard character. Uppercase A – Z or the numbers 0 – 9 can be either ASCII or virtual key values; any other character is ASCII only.

  • A single keyboard character in the range A – Z (uppercase only), preceded by a caret (^)  (for example, ^C). This enters the ASCII value of the key when it is pressed with the CTRL key held down.

    Note   When entering an ASCII value, the CTRL and SHIFT modifiers on the property page are not available. You cannot use a control-key combination entered with a caret to create a virtual accelerator key.

  • Any valid virtual key identifier. The Key box on the property page contains a list of standard virtual key identifiers.

Tip   Another way to define an accelerator key is to click the Next Key Typed button in the property page and then press any of the keys on the keyboard.