
Moving and Copying Menus and Menu Items

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To move or copy menus or menu items using drag-and-drop

  1. Drag or copy the item you want to move to:

    • A new location on the current menu.

    • A different menu. (You can navigate to other menus by dragging the mouse pointer over them.)

  2. Drop the menu item when the insertion guide shows the position you want. 

To move or copy menus or menu items using the menu commands

  1. Select one or more menus or menu items.

  2. From the Edit menu, choose Cut (to move) or Copy.

  3. If you are moving the items to another menu resource or resource script file, make that Menu editor window active.

  4. Select the position of the menu or menu item you want to move or copy to.

  5. From the Edit menu, choose Paste. The moved or copied item is placed before the item you select.

Note   You can also drag, copy, and paste to other menus in other menu windows.