

The following wizards features are new for Visual C++ 6.0.

AppWizard Enhancements

In Visual C++ 6.0 there are more options when you are using MFC AppWizard to create an executable. AppWizard now supports single-document interface or multiple-document interface applications that are not based on the . This enables streamlined use of MFC for applications that aren't document based. AppWizard also supports toolbars that work like Internet Explorer , , , and (by using ).

AppWizard Support for OLE DB

You can now select an OLE DB data source from AppWizard, in addition to DAO or ODBC. This wizard uses the MFC support for the OLE DB templates. (This feature is not the same as ATL OLE DB Provider support). If you go to Step 2 of the MFC EXE AppWizard and select Database support, there is now a third option to choose from in the dialog box: select OLE DB and then specify the data source you want to include in the project. This is usually disabled unless you have OLE DB installed on your system.

Cluster Resource Type Wizard

The Cluster Resource Type Wizard generates two projects for implementing a Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) resource type. Writing a custom resource type allows an application to be more closely managed and monitored by MSCS. A Resource DLL project produces a DLL that is loaded by an MSCS resource monitor on a cluster node to manage and monitor the application. A Cluster Administrator Extension DLL project produces a COM in-proc server DLL for providing a user interface for managing resources of this new type. See and .

Custom Build Rules for Help Files

To generate Help files, AppWizard now uses custom build rules instead of MakeHelp.bat, so each source file is only rebuilt when necessary. MakeHelp.bat is still provided for backward compatibility.

Data Access Support in the ATL Object Wizard

There is a new category in the ATL Object Wizard called "Data Access". This new category contains two wizards: and .

"Delete Member Function" Command in WizardBar and ClassView

You can now by using the Delete command on the WizardBar menu or by using the ClassView shortcut menu. The Delete command removes the function declaration from the header (.h) file and removes any associated message map entry. It also removes entries from the SINK map, which is an ATL map used in handling events. Finally, it comments out the function definition, if one exists. The function body remains selected so that you can easily delete it.

Internet Explorer 4.0 (IE4) Control Support in ClassWizard

ClassWizard now supports Add Message Handler and Add Variable for the four controls that are supported in the resource editor. You can also add new classes whose base class is one of the four new MFC IE4 control classes.

New Dictionary Fields (Macros) for Custom AppWizard

The has the following new dictionary fields:


  • : OLEDB.




  • CHtmlView — a new macro to define that indicates the main view's base class. See .

  • : YEAR and LICENSED.

New Extended Stored Procedure Wizard

Feature Only in Enterprise Edition   This feature is supported only in Visual C++ Enterprise Edition. For more information, see .

Visual C++ now has an for creating a SQL Server extended stored procedure. An extended stored procedure is an extern C function, exported from a Win32 .dll, that you can call from within SQL Server.

New Project Types

Custom AppWizards now support Utility projects, Makefile projects, Static library, Console application, and ActiveX control projects. See , , and New Dictionary Fields (Macros) for Custom AppWizard.

Wizards for Non-MFC Project Types

Wizards for non-MFC project types

There are now wizards for all non-MFC project types, such as Win32 Application, Console Application, Dynamic Link Library, or Static Library. Instead of just creating a completely empty, generic project, these AppWizards enable you to specify options; they produce boilerplate code for non-MFC apps.

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