void RFX_Binary_Bulk( CFieldExchange* pFX**, LPCTSTR** szName**, BYTE**** prgByteVals**, long**** prgLengths**, int** nMaxLength );
A pointer to a CFieldExchange object. This object contains information to define the context for each call of the function. For more information, see the article in Visual C++ Programmer’s Guide.
The name of a data column.
A pointer to an array of BYTE values. This array will store the data to be transferred from the data source to the recordset.
A pointer to an array of long integers. This array will store the length in bytes of each value in the array pointed to by prgByteVals. Note that the value SQL_NULL_DATA will be stored if the corresponding data item contains a Null value. For more details, see the ODBC API function SQLBindCol in the ODBC SDK Programmer's Reference.
The maximum allowed length of the values stored in the array pointed to by prgByteVals. To ensure that data will not be truncated, pass a value large enough to accommodate the largest data item you expect.
The RFX_Binary_Bulk function transfers multiple rows of byte data from a column of an ODBC data source to a corresponding array in a CRecordset-derived object. The data source column can have an ODBC type of SQL_BINARY, SQL_VARBINARY, or SQL_LONGVARBINARY. The recordset must define a field data member of type pointer to BYTE.
If you initialize prgByteVals and prgLengths to NULL, then the arrays they point to will be allocated automatically, with sizes equal to the rowset size.
Note Bulk record field exchange only transfers data from the data source to the recordset object. In order to make your recordset updatable, you must use the ODBC API function SQLSetPos. For an example of how to do this, see the sample .
For more information, see the articles and in Visual C++ Programmer’s Guide.
See RFX_Text_Bulk.
See Also RFX_Bool_Bulk, RFX_Byte_Bulk, RFX_Date_Bulk, RFX_Double_Bulk, RFX_Int_Bulk, RFX_Long_Bulk, RFX_Single_Bulk, RFX_Text_Bulk, CFieldExchange::SetFieldType