


Return Value

Identifies the next (or the previous) window in the window manager’s list if the member function is successful.

The returned pointer may be temporary and should not be stored for later use.



Specifies whether the function returns a pointer to the next window or the previous window. It can be either GW_HWNDNEXT, which returns the window that follows the CWnd object on the window manager’s list, or GW_HWNDPREV, which returns the previous window on the window manager’s list.


Searches for the next (or previous) window in the window manager’s list. The window manager’s list contains entries for all top-level windows, their associated child windows, and the child windows of any child windows.

If CWnd is a top-level window, the function searches for the next (or previous) top-level window; if CWnd is a child window, the function searches for the next (or previous) child window.

CWnd OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also