

HRESULT ExecCommand( DWORD nCmdID**, DWORD** nCmdExecOpt = OLECMDEXECOPT_DONTPROMPTUSER, const GUID* pguidCmdGroup = NULL );

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful; otherwise,returns one of the following error codes.

Value Description
E_UNEXPECTED Unexpected error occurred.
E_FAIL Error occurred.
E_NOTIMPL Indicates MFC itself should attempt to translate and dispatch the command.
OLECMDERR_E_UNKNOWNGROUP pguidCmdGroup is non-NULL but does not specify a recognized command group.
OLECMDERR_E_NOTSUPPORTED nCmdID is not recognized as a valid command in the group pGroup.
OLECMDERR_DISABLED The command identified by nCmdID is disabled and cannot be executed.
OLECMDERR_NOHELP Caller asked for help on the command identified by nCmdID but no help is available.
OLECMDERR_CANCELLED User canceled the execution.



The identifier of the command to execute. Must be in the group identified by pguidCmdGroup.


Specifies command-execution options. By default, set to execute the command without prompting the user. See for a list of values.


Unique identifier of the command group. By default, NULL, which specifies the standard group. The command passed in nCmdID must belong to the group.


Call this member function to execute the command specified by the user.

The pguidCmdGroup and the nCmdID parameters together uniquely identify the command to invoke. The nCmdExecOpt parameter specifies the exact action to take.

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See Also