
Inserting and Deleting Projects

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You can insert new or existing projects into your project workspace, and delete existing projects from the workspace. You can also delete specific configurations for a project without removing the entire project.

What do you want to do?

Insert a new project into an existing workspace

Add an existing project to the workspace

Delete a project from a workspace

Delete a project configuration

To insert a new project into an existing project workspace

  1. Open the project workspace to which you want to add a new project.

  2. On the File menu, click New and then click the Projects tab.

  3. Select the project type.

  4. Specify the Project Name and Location for the project.

  5. Click Add to Current Workspace.

  6. Select any of the available platforms for which you want to create initial Debug and Release configurations.

  7. Click OK.

The new project that you just created becomes the default project in the workspace.

To add an existing project to a project workspace

  1. Open the project workspace to which you want to add a project.

  2. On the Project menu, click Insert Project into Workspace.

  3. In the Insert Projects into Workspace dialog box, browse to locate the project you want to add. If the project is under source code control, use the Source Control button to locate and select the project file.

  4. If you want the project you are adding to be a subproject of another project, select the Dependency Of check box and select the name of the other project from the list in the Dependency Of box.

To delete a project from the workspace

  • From the FileView tab, select the project and press DELETE.

Note   Deleting a project also removes it as a subproject from any other project in the workspace.

To delete a project configuration

  1. On the Build menu, click Configurations.

  2. In the Configurations box, expand the project that you want to delete.

  3. Select each configuration you want to delete, and click Remove.