
Classes Offered by ClassWizard

OverviewHow Do I

ClassWizard only supports MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes). This means that it can recognize and create only classes that are derived from the MFC classes shown in the table below.

Types of MFC Classes Available from ClassWizard

Class Description
Provides the functionality of the Windows common animation control.
Provides functionality for the use of asynchronous monikers in ActiveX controls (formerly OLE controls).
Represents a Windows Socket (an endpoint of network communication).
Button control.
Implements an ActiveX control property transferred asynchronously and cached in a memory file.
Base class for objects that can receive and respond to messages. It is the result of a selection based on a table query.
Color-selection dialog box with a list of colors that are defined for the display system.
Combination text box/list box with static or edit control.
Represents a set of records selected from a data source. CdaoRecordset objects are available in three forms: table-type recordsets, dynaset-type recordsets, and snapshot-type recordsets.
Displays database records in controls. This form view is directly connected to a CDaoRecordset object.
Implements an ActiveX control property that can be loaded asynchronously.
Dialog box.
Class for managing program data.
Rectangular child window for text entry.
Provides the functionality of a Windows edit control and can be used to implement simple text-editor functionality.
Windows common file dialog box provides an easy way to implement File Open and File Save As dialog boxes.
Font-selection dialog box that displays a list of fonts that are currently installed in the system.
Window that can contain dialog box controls.
Single document interface (SDI) frame window.
Provides the functionality of the Windows common header control.
Provides the functionality of the Windows common hot key control.
Creates and manages a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) filter object.
Provides a means of extending the functionality of an ISAPI-compliant HTTP server. Wraps ISAPI functionality and processes client requests including  extension DLLs but excluding CGI executables.
List box.
Provides the functionality of the Windows common list view control.
List control that simplifies use of CListCtrl, the class that encapsulates list-control functionality.
Multiple document interface (MDI) child frame window.
Treats a document as a collection of CDocItem objects to handle OLE items. Both container and server applications require this architecture because their documents must be able to contain OLE items.
Base class for OLE container documents that support linking to the embedded items they contain.
Base class for OLE server documents.
Provides the server interface to OLE items.
Windows common dialog box for printing that provides an easy way to implement Print and Print Setup dialog boxes.
Provides the functionality of the Windows common progress bar control.
Represents an individual page of a property sheet, otherwise known as a tab dialog box.
Represents property sheets, otherwise known as tab dialog boxes. A property sheet consists of a CPropertySheet object and one or more CPropertyPage objects.
Class for accessing a database table or query.
Window containing dialog box controls mapped to recordset fields.
Window in which the user can enter and edit text. The text can be assigned character and paragraph formatting, and can include embedded objects.
Maintains the text and formatting characteristics of text.
Scroll bar.
Scrolling window, derived from CView.
Provides a window containing a slider and optional tick marks.
Works with classes CSocketFile and CArchive to manage the sending and receiving of data.
Provides a pair of arrow buttons that the user can click to increment or decrement a value.
A simple text field, box, or rectangle used to label, box, or separate other controls.
Provides a horizontal window, usually displayed at the bottom of a parent window, in which an application can display status information.
Allows an application to display multiple pages in the same area of a window or dialog box.
Provides the functionality of the Windows toolbar common control.
Provides the functionality of a "tooltip control," a small popup window that displays a single line of text describing the purpose of a tool in an application.
Displays a hierarchical list of items.
Tree control that simplifies use of CTreeCtrl, the class that encapsulates tree-control functionality.
Class for displaying program data.
Represents a thread of execution within an application.
Custom window.
An MDI child window that contains a CSplitterWnd class. The user can split the resulting window into multiple panes.