

BOOL CanTransact( ) const;
throw( CDaoException, CMemoryException );

Return Value

Nonzero if the underlying data source supports transactions, otherwise 0.


Call this member function to determine whether the recordset allows transactions.

For more information about updating data, see the article in Visual C++ Programmer's Guide. For related information, see the topic "Transactions Property" in DAO Help.

CDaoRecordset OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CDaoRecordset::AddNew, CDaoRecordset::CanAppend, CDaoRecordset::CancelUpdate, CDaoRecordset::CanScroll, CDaoRecordset::CanRestart, CDaoRecordset::CanUpdate, CDaoRecordset::Delete, CDaoRecordset::Edit, CDaoRecordset::Update