
CDaoQueryDef Class Members

Data Members

m_pDatabase A pointer to the CDaoDatabase object with which the querydef is associated. The querydef might be saved in the database or not.
m_pDAOQueryDef A pointer to the OLE interface for the underlying DAO querydef object.


CDaoQueryDef Constructs a CDaoQueryDef object. Next call Open or Create, depending on your needs.
Create Creates the underlying DAO querydef object. Use the querydef as a temporary query, or call Append to save it in the database.
Append Appends the querydef to the database’s QueryDefs collection as a saved query.
Open Opens an existing querydef stored in the database’s QueryDefs collection.
Close Closes the querydef object. Destroy the C++ object when you finish with it.
CanUpdate Returns nonzero if the query can update the database.
GetConnect Returns the connect string associated with the querydef. The connect string identifies the data source. (For SQL pass-through queries only; otherwise an empty string.)
GetDateCreated Returns the date the saved query was created.
GetDateLastUpdated Returns the date the saved query was last updated.
GetName Returns the name of the querydef.
GetODBCTimeout Returns the timeout value used by ODBC (for an ODBC query) when the querydef is executed. This determines how long to allow for the query’s action to complete.
GetRecordsAffected Returns the number of records affected by an action query.
GetReturnsRecords Returns nonzero if the query defined by the querydef returns records.
GetSQL Returns the SQL string that specifies the query defined by the querydef.
GetType Returns the query type: delete, update, append, make-table, and so on.
IsOpen Returns nonzero if the querydef is open and can be executed.
SetConnect Sets the connect string for an SQL pass-through query on an ODBC data source.
SetName Sets the name of the saved query, replacing the name in use when the querydef was created.
SetODBCTimeout Sets the timeout value used by ODBC (for an ODBC query) when the querydef is executed.
SetReturnsRecords Specifies whether the querydef returns records. Setting this attribute to TRUE is only valid for SQL pass-through queries.
SetSQL Sets the SQL string that specifies the query defined by the querydef.


Execute Executes the query defined by the querydef object.
GetFieldCount Returns the number of fields defined by the querydef.
GetFieldInfo Returns information about a specified field defined in the query.
GetParameterCount Returns the number of parameters defined for the query.
GetParameterInfo Returns information about a specified parameter to the query.
GetParamValue Returns the value of a specified parameter to the query.
SetParamValue Sets the value of a specified parameter to the query.

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