
Books That Help You Learn MFC

OverviewHow Do IDetailsTutorial

The MFC tutorials teach you only some of the things you need before you can really master MFC itself. You will also want to consult books such as the following:

Book What it covers
Scot Wingo and George Shephard's MFC Internals (Addison Wesley) MFC implementation details.
Mike Blaszczak's The Revolutionary Guide to Win32 Programming Using Visual C++ (WROX Press) MFC usage and other Visual C++ product information.
Jeff Prosise's Programming Windows 95 with MFC (Microsoft Press) For Win32 SDK Windows programmers and C++ programmers new to MFC.
Adam Denning's ActiveX Controls Inside Out, Second Edition (Microsoft Press) Develop MFC-based ActiveX controls using COM technology.
Frank Crockett's MFC Developer's Workshop (Microsoft Press) Solutions for commonly-encountered coding problems: interface elements, ActiveX controls, databases, and more.
David J. Kruglinski's Inside Visual C++ (Microsoft Press) MFC fundamentals.
Mastering MFC Development (Microsoft Press) A compact disc (CD) that trains you to use MFC and the Visual C++ development system.

Many good books are also available on C++ and object-oriented programming.

For the assumptions that MFC makes about your knowledge and skills, see The Assumptions of MFC.

Other Learning Sources About MFC

For an online, interactive introduction to programming with Visual C++, including MFC, see the Mastering Visual C++ product.

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