
Editing Resources

Home Page (Resource Editors)OverviewHow Do I ... Topics

The editors for the different resources share many of the same procedures. More information about editing individual resources is available from the Home Page of each resource.

Note   You can also edit a resource by opening it in text format.

To open an existing resource for editing

  • Select the resource you want to edit, and press ENTER.

To save an edited resource file

  • From the File menu, choose Save. The resource is saved using its current name.


  1. From the File menu, choose Save As.

  2. In the Drives box, select the target drive.

  3. In the Directories box, select the directory path.

  4. In the File Name box, type the name for the file.

  5. Click OK. The resource is saved using the name you supply.

To delete an existing resource

  1. Select the resource you want to delete.

  2. From the Edit menu, choose Delete.