
Editing an Accelerator Table

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What do you want to do?

Add an entry to an accelerator table

Delete an entry from an accelerator table

Move or copy an accelerator table entry

Find an entry in an accelerator table

Change the properties of multiple accelerator keys

To add an entry to an accelerator table

  1. Select the new-item box at the end of the list.

  2. Type the key you want to use as an accelerator.

    The Accel Properties page appears, with the focus in the Key box.

  3. Select an ID from the drop-down list in the ID box.

  4. Change the modifier and type, if necessary.

    The modifier specifies whether the key you chose is a combination formed with CTRL, ALT, or SHIFT. The type indicates whether the key is an ASCII or a virtual key value.

  5. Press ENTER.

Note   Make sure all accelerators you define are unique. When duplicate accelerator keys are assigned, only the first one works correctly.

To delete an entry from an accelerator table

  1. Select the entry you want to delete. Hold down the CTRL or SHIFT key while clicking to select multiple entries.

  2. From the Edit menu, choose Delete.

To move or copy an accelerator table entry to another resource script file

  1. Open the Accelerator editor windows in both resource script files.

  2. Select the entry you want to move.

  3. From the Edit menu, choose Copy or Cut.

  4. Select an entry in the target resource script file.

  5. From the Edit menu, choose Paste.

To find an entry in an accelerator table

  1. From the Edit menu, choose Find.

  2. In the Find What box, select a previous search string from the drop-down list, type the accelerator key you want to find (for example, ID_ACCEL1), or type a regular expression to match a pattern.

    Tip   Click the button to the right of the Find What box to display a list of regular search expressions. When you select an expression from this list, it is substituted as the search text in the Find What box. If you use regular expressions, be sure the Regular Expression check box is selected.

  3. Select any of the Find options.

  4. Click Find Next.

To change the properties of multiple accelerator keys

  1. Select the accelerator keys you want to change by holding down the CTRL key as you click each one.

  2. From the View menu, choose Properties.

The Multiple Selection Properties page displays. Changes you make on this page are reflected on each item selected. If you need to undo a change, choose Undo from the Edit menu. The change is undone on each item selected.