
Debugger Windows

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Several specialized windows display debugging information for your program. When you are debugging, you can access these windows using the View menu. (In addition to windows, the debugger also uses dialog boxes to display debugging information.)

The following table lists the debugger windows and describes the information they display.

Debugger Windows

Window Displays
Output Information about the build process, including any compiler, linker, or build-tool errors, as well as output from the OutputDebugString function or the afxDump class library, thread termination codes, loading symbols notification and first-chance exception notifications.
Watch Names and values of variables and expressions.
Variables Information about variables used in the current and previous statements and function return values (in the Auto tab), variables local to the current function (in the Locals tab), and the object pointed to by this (in the This tab).
Registers Contents of the general purpose and CPU status registers.
Memory Current memory contents.
Call Stack Stack of all function calls that have not returned.
Disassembly Assembly-language code derived from disassembly of the compiled program.

Debugger windows can be docked or floating. For more information, see Working with Floating or Docking Windows.

When a window is in floating mode, you can resize or minimize the window to increase the visibility of other windows. You can copy information from any debugger window. You can print information only from the Output window.

Tip   To set formatting and other options for these windows, use the Debug tab in the Options dialog box (accessed from the Tools menu).

What do you want to know more about?

The Watch window

The Variables window

The Call Stack window

The Disassembly window

What do you want to do?

Use symbols for watch variables in the watch window