
Adding or Deleting a String

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When the String Editor window is displayed, you can add or delete entries in the string table. String table segments are separated by horizontal lines in the String Editor window.

What do you want to do?

Add a string table entry

Delete a string table entry

To add a string table entry

  1. Select the new-item box (an empty rectangle) at the end of a string segment.

  2. Type the new string.

    The focus shifts to the String Properties page as you start typing. The text is entered in the Caption box, and the string is given the next identifier in sequence.

  3. Press ENTER to place the new string in the string table.

Tip   You can also insert new entries into the string table. Select an existing entry, and from the Insert menu, choose New String. The new string is placed after the currently selected string using the next available identifier.

Note   Null strings are not allowed in Windows string tables. If you create an entry in the string table that is a null string, the entry is deleted when you close the String editor.

To delete a string table entry

  1. Select the string you want to delete.

  2. From the Edit menu, choose Delete.