
Callback functions implemented by the IDE

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To make integration with the integrated development environment (IDE) as seamless as possible and to provide a unified end-user experience, the source control plug-in can use callback functions that are implemented by the IDE. The plug-in can call these functions at appropriate times during a source control operation to pass information to the IDE; the IDE can then display this information as embedded elements in its native UI. The user has a less fragmented experience in this scenario than if the plug-in employed its own UI.

The required header file is scc.h. The default location is \Program Files\VSIP 8.0\EnvSDK\common\inc\. It is also in the VSIP folder that has the source control plug-in sample at \Program Files\VSIP 8.0\MSSCCI\.

In this section

  • LPTEXTOUTPROC Describes the callback function that is used by SccOpenProject to display messages from the source control plug-in through the IDE.

  • POPLISTFUNC Describes the callback function that is used by SccPopulateList when the IDE does not have complete access to information that is available only to the source control plug-in, such as a complete list of files under version control.

  • QUERYCHANGESFUNC Describes the callback function that is used by the SccQueryChanges operation.

  • POPDIRLISTFUNC Describes the callback function that is used by the SccPopulateDirList operation.

  • OPTNAMECHANGEPFN Describes the callback function set by a call to the SccSetOption that enables the source control plug-in to communicate name changes back to the IDE.

  • SccOpenProject Opens a project.

  • SccPopulateList Examines the list of files for their current status. In addition, uses the pfnPopulate function to notify the caller when a file does not match the criteria for the nCommand.

  • SccPopulateDirList Examines a list of directories and files in a project or projects that are under source control. Each directory and file name found is passed to a callback function.

  • SccQueryChanges Examines name changes that were made to a list of files. Each file name is passed to a callback function together with its change status.

  • SccSetOption Sets a wide variety of options. Each option starts with SCC_OPT_xxx and has its own defined set of values.

  • Source Control Plug-ins Describes the contents of the reference section of the Source Control Plug-in SDK.