
Win32 Internet Classes

MFC wraps the Win32 Internet (WinInet) and ActiveX technology to make Internet programming easier.

  • CInternetSession
    Creates and initializes one Internet session or several simultaneous Internet sessions and, if necessary, describes the connection to a proxy server.

  • CInternetConnection
    Manages your connection to an Internet server.

  • CInternetFile
    This class and its derived classes allow access to files on remote systems that use Internet protocols.

  • CHttpConnection
    Manages your connection to an HTTP server.

  • CHttpFile
    Provides the functionality to find and read files on an HTTP server.

  • CGopherFile
    Provides the functionality to find and read files on a gopher server.

  • CFtpConnection
    Manages your connection to an FTP server.

  • CGopherConnection
    Manages your connection to a gopher server.

  • CFileFind
    Performs local and Internet file searches.

  • CFtpFileFind
    Aids in Internet file searches of FTP servers.

  • CGopherFileFind
    Aids in Internet file searches of gopher servers.

  • CGopherLocator
    Gets a gopher "locator" from a gopher server, determines the locator's type, and makes the locator available to CGopherFileFind.

  • CInternetException
    Represents an exception condition related to an Internet operation.

See Also


Class Library Overview