UpdateCompletionFlags Enumeration
Specifies completion set flags.
This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop
Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop.dll)
<FlagsAttribute> _
Public Enumeration UpdateCompletionFlags
public enum UpdateCompletionFlags
public enum class UpdateCompletionFlags
type UpdateCompletionFlags
public enum UpdateCompletionFlags
Member name | Description | |
UCS_NAMESCHANGED | Names or name count has changed. | |
UCS_EXTENTCHANGED | Extent changed. | |
UCS_FLAGSCHANGED | Flags have changed. | |
UCS_COMPLETEWORD | Attempt word completion. | |
CSF_CUSTOMMATCHING | Indicates that the language service handles custom completion matching of text typed by the user. Use IVsCompletionSet::GetBestMatch to manage selections. If you do not specify CSF_CUSTOMMATCHING, then the view handles matching text to the available options in the completion set. | |
CSF_CUSTOMCOMMIT | Indicates that the language service handles how an item selected from the completion box is entered into the text editor. Use OnCommit to commit completions. | |
CSF_HAVEDESCRIPTIONS | Provides a tip for items in the completion box. Use GetDescriptionText to provide text for at least some of the entries. | |
CSF_INITIALEXTENTKNOWN | Indicates that the language service knows where on a line it wants to display items, and where the word boundaries are. Use GetInitialExtent to determine the initial word extent. | |
CSF_NOCASEMATCHING | Do not apply case sensitive matching. | |
CSF_NOCASEUNIQUENESS | Do not apply case or character matching to determine uniqueness (for word completion). For example, "WEAR" could be matched to "year" using this setting, if "year" was the closest character match. | |
GBM_SELECT | The returned index should be selected. | |
GBM_UNIQUE | The returned index is the only appropriate match. |
UCS_* flags are passed to UpdateCompletionStatus.
CSF_* flags are returned from GetFlags.
GBM_* flags are returned from GetBestMatch.
COM Signature
From textmgr.idl: