VSProject 介面
包含有關 Visual Basic 或 C# 專案的資訊。當專案是 Visual Basic、Visual C# 或 Visual J# 專案時,Object 物件就會將它傳回。
命名空間: VSLangProj
組件: VSLangProj (在 vslangproj.dll 中)
<GuidAttribute("2CFB826F-F6BF-480D-A546-95A0381CC411")> _
Public Interface VSProject
Dim instance As VSProject
public interface VSProject
public interface class VSProject
/** @attribute GuidAttribute("2CFB826F-F6BF-480D-A546-95A0381CC411") */
public interface VSProject
public interface VSProject
Project 是核心擴充性物件,可包含任何語言的專案資訊。Project 物件的 Object 會傳回一個物件,其型別視所使用的專案語言而定。若是 Visual Basic、Visual C# 或 Visual J#,該物件就是 VSProject 物件。
Object 會傳回 Object 資料型別。Object 傳回的資料物件,接著可以明確轉換成 VSProject。以下範例說明如何使用 CType 函式進行轉換。PrjKind 是用來測試轉換前的專案類型。
' Macro Editor
' This example retrieves the VSProject object if the first project
' the solution is a Visual Basic or C# project. This routine assumes
' that the solution contains at least one project.
Imports VSLangProj
Sub VSProjectExample()
Dim aProject As Project
Dim aVSProject As VSProject
aProject = DTE.Solution.Projects.Item(1)
If (aProject.Kind = PrjKind.prjKindVBProject) _
Or (aProject.Kind = PrjKind.prjKindCSharpProject) Then
aVSProject = CType(DTE.Solution.Projects.Item(1).Object, VSProject)
MsgBox("The first project is not a Visual Basic or C# project.")
End If
End Sub