
HOW TO:將屬性加入至 SharePoint 專案項目擴充功能

您可以使用專案項目擴充功能,將屬性加入至 Visual Studio 中已安裝的任何 SharePoint 專案項目。 當在 [方案總管] 中選取專案項目時,這個屬性就會出現在 [屬性] 視窗中。

下列步驟假設您已經建立專案項目擴充功能。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 HOW TO:建立 SharePoint 專案項目擴充功能


  1. 定義類別,這個類別具有表示要加入至專案項目類型的公用屬性。 如果想要將多個屬性加入至專案項目類型,您可以在同一類別或不同類別中定義所有屬性。

  2. 在您的 ISharePointProjectItemTypeExtension 實作 Initialize 方法中,處理 projectItemType 參數的 ProjectItemPropertiesRequested 事件。

  3. ProjectItemPropertiesRequested 事件的事件處理常式中,將屬性類別的執行個體加入至事件引數參數的 PropertySources 集合。


下列程式碼範例示範如何將名為 [範例屬性] 的屬性加入至 [事件接收器] 專案項目。

Imports System
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.ComponentModel.Composition
Imports Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint

Namespace Contoso.Examples.ProjectItemExtensionWithProperty

    <Export(GetType(ISharePointProjectItemTypeExtension))> _
    <SharePointProjectItemType("Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint.EventHandler")> _
    Friend Class ExampleProjectItemExtensionWithProperty
        Implements ISharePointProjectItemTypeExtension

        Private Sub Initialize(ByVal projectItemType As ISharePointProjectItemType) _
            Implements ISharePointProjectItemTypeExtension.Initialize
            AddHandler projectItemType.ProjectItemPropertiesRequested, AddressOf ProjectItemPropertiesRequested
        End Sub

        Private Sub ProjectItemPropertiesRequested(ByVal Sender As Object,
            ByVal e As SharePointProjectItemPropertiesRequestedEventArgs)
            Dim propertyObject As CustomProperties = Nothing

            ' If the properties object already exists, get it from the project item's annotations.
            If False = e.ProjectItem.Annotations.TryGetValue(propertyObject) Then
                ' Otherwise, create a new properties object and add it to the annotations.
                propertyObject = New CustomProperties(e.ProjectItem)
            End If
        End Sub
    End Class

    Friend Class CustomProperties
        Private projectItem As ISharePointProjectItem

        Friend Sub New(ByVal projectItem As ISharePointProjectItem)
            Me.projectItem = projectItem
        End Sub

        Private Const TestPropertyId As String = "Contoso.ExampleProperty"
        Private Const PropertyDefaultValue As String = "This is an example property."

        <DisplayName("Example Property")> _
        <DescriptionAttribute("This is an example property for project items.")> _
        <DefaultValue(PropertyDefaultValue)> _
        Public Property ExampleProperty As String
                Dim propertyValue As String = Nothing

                ' Get the current property value if it already exists; otherwise, return a default value.
                If False = projectItem.ExtensionData.TryGetValue(TestPropertyId, propertyValue) Then
                    propertyValue = PropertyDefaultValue
                End If
                Return propertyValue
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As String)
                If value <> PropertyDefaultValue Then
                    ' Store the property value in the ExtensionData property of the project item.
                    ' Data in the ExtensionData property persists when the project is closed.
                    projectItem.ExtensionData(TestPropertyId) = value
                    ' Do not save the default value.
                End If
            End Set
        End Property
    End Class
End Namespace
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint;

namespace Contoso.Examples.ProjectItemExtensionWithProperty
    internal class ExampleProjectItemExtensionWithProperty : ISharePointProjectItemTypeExtension
        public void Initialize(ISharePointProjectItemType projectItemType)
            projectItemType.ProjectItemPropertiesRequested += 

        void projectItemType_ProjectItemPropertiesRequested(object sender, 
            SharePointProjectItemPropertiesRequestedEventArgs e)
            CustomProperties propertyObject;

            // If the properties object already exists, get it from the project item's annotations.
            if (!e.ProjectItem.Annotations.TryGetValue(out propertyObject))
                // Otherwise, create a new properties object and add it to the annotations.
                propertyObject = new CustomProperties(e.ProjectItem);


    internal class CustomProperties
        private ISharePointProjectItem projectItem;

        internal CustomProperties(ISharePointProjectItem projectItem)
            this.projectItem = projectItem;

        private const string PropertyId = "Contoso.ExampleProperty";
        private const string PropertyDefaultValue = "This is an example property.";

        [DisplayName("Example Property")]
        [DescriptionAttribute("This is an example property for project items.")]
        public string ExampleProperty
                string propertyValue;

                // Get the current property value if it already exists; otherwise, return a default value.
                if (!projectItem.ExtensionData.TryGetValue(PropertyId, out propertyValue))
                    propertyValue = PropertyDefaultValue;
                return propertyValue;
                if (value != PropertyDefaultValue)
                    // Store the property value in the ExtensionData property of the project item. 
                    // Data in the ExtensionData property persists when the project is closed.
                    projectItem.ExtensionData[PropertyId] = value;
                    // Do not save the default value.


為了確保在每次發生 ProjectItemPropertiesRequested 事件時都使用 CustomProperties 類別的同一個執行個體,程式碼範例會在第一次發生此事件時,將屬性物件加入至專案項目的 Annotations 屬性。 每當重新發生此事件時,程式碼都會擷取這個物件。 如需使用 Annotations 屬性使資料與專案項目產生關聯的詳細資訊,請參閱讓自訂資料與 SharePoint 工具擴充功能產生關聯

為了保存屬性值的變更,ExampleProperty 的 set 存取子會將新值儲存至與該屬性相關聯之 ISharePointProjectItem 物件的 ExtensionData 屬性。 如需使用 ExtensionData 屬性來保存專案項目資料的詳細資訊,請參閱儲存 SharePoint 專案系統擴充功能的資料


您可以在 [屬性] 視窗中定義自訂屬性 (Property) 的外觀和行為,方法是將屬性 (Attribute) 從 System.ComponentModel 命名空間套用至屬性 (Property) 定義。 下列屬性在許多情節中都十分有用:



  • Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint

  • System.ComponentModel.Composition


若要部署擴充功能,請針對組件以及要與擴充功能一起散發的任何其他檔案建立 Visual Studio 擴充功能 (VSIX) 套件。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱部署 Visual Studio 中 SharePoint 工具的擴充功能



HOW TO:建立 SharePoint 專案項目擴充功能

逐步解說:擴充 SharePoint 專案項目類型


HOW TO:將捷徑功能表項目加入至 SharePoint 專案項目擴充功能

擴充 SharePoint 專案項目