

在本逐步說明主題中,您將建立、安裝、註冊和測試新類型的「資料庫重構」(Database Refactoring)。 此重構作業會將指定之物件名稱的第一個字母轉換成大寫,並將所有參考更新為這個已更新的名稱。


  1. 建立新組件,其中包含自訂重構類型的類別。

  2. 安裝並註冊組件,以便在 Visual Studio Premium 或 Visual Studio Ultimate 中使用重構類型。

  3. 建立簡單的「資料庫專案」(Database Project),測試重構類型是否如預期運作。



  • 您必須已安裝 Visual Studio 2010 Premium 或 Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate。

  • 您必須已在電腦上安裝 Visual Studio 2010 軟體開發套件 (SDK)。 若要下載這個套件,請參閱 Microsoft 網站的網頁:Visual Studio 2010 SDK (英文)。



  • CasingRefactoringCommand - 此類別提供重構功能表的命令名稱,其會指定哪些模型項目可使用重構類型,當使用者按一下該命令時,會呼叫您的重構作業。

  • CasingRefactoringOperation - 此類別會指定重構作業與 [預覽視窗] 的互動方式、指定描述作業的屬性,以及建立 CasingContributorInput 類別。

  • CasingContributorInput - 此類別會將輸入資料儲存到 CasingSymbolContributor 類別。

  • CasingSymbolContributor - 此類別會建置重新命名符號的變更提議清單,也會建立 CasingReferenceContributorInput 類別,以更新所有對目前變更名稱之物件的參考。

  • CasingReferenceContributorInput - 此類別會將輸入資料儲存至 CasingReferenceContributor 類別。

  • CasingReferenceContributor - 此類別會建置一變更提議清單,該清單將預計更新的參考與重新命名的符號關聯。

建立這些類別之前,您將建立類別庫、加入必要的參考,以及加入一些 Helper 程式碼,以簡化您在本逐步解說稍後撰寫的部分程式碼。

若要建立類別庫和 Helper 程式碼

  1. 建立新的 C# 類別庫專案並命名為 CasingRefactoringType.csproj。

  2. 加入下列類別庫的參考:

    • Microsoft.Data.Schema.dll

    • Microsoft.Data.Schema.ScriptDom.dll

    • Microsoft.Data.Schema.ScriptDom.sql.dll

    • Microsoft.Data.Schema.Sql.dll

    • Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Schema.Package.dll

    • Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Schema.Package.Sql.dll

  3. 將來自 Visual Studio 2010 軟體開發套件 (SDK) 的參考加入至下列組件:

    • Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.dll

    • Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.10.0.dll

    • Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.dll

    • Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.8.0.dll

    • Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.9.0.dll

    • Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.10.0.dll

    • Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop.dll

  4. 在 [方案總管] 中,將 Class1.cs 重新命名為 SampleHelper.cs。

  5. 按兩下 SampleHelper.cs,在程式碼編輯器中開啟它。

  6. 以下列程式碼取代程式碼編輯器的內容:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using Microsoft.Data.Schema.SchemaModel;
    using Microsoft.Data.Schema.ScriptDom.Sql;
    using Microsoft.VisualStudio;
    using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Schema.Package.Refactoring;
    using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Schema.Package.UI;
    using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop;
    using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop;
    namespace MySamples.Refactoring
        internal static class SampleHelper
            public static String GetModelElementName(IModelElement modelElement)
                SampleHelper.CheckNullArgument(modelElement, "modelElement");
                return modelElement.ToString();
            /// <summary>
            /// Given a model element, returns its simple name.
            /// </summary>
            public static String GetModelElementSimpleName(IModelElement modelElement)
                String separator = ".";
                String simpleName = String.Empty;
                String fullName = modelElement.ToString();
                String[] nameParts = fullName.Split(separator.ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                if (nameParts.Length > 0)
                    simpleName = nameParts[nameParts.Length - 1]; // last part 
                if (simpleName.StartsWith("[") && simpleName.EndsWith("]"))
                    simpleName = simpleName.Substring(1, simpleName.Length - 2);
                return simpleName;
            /// <summary>
            /// Find all files in the project with the specified file extension
            /// </summary>
            public static List<string> GetAllFilesInProject(IVsHierarchy solutionNode, string fileExtension, bool visibleNodesOnly)
                List<string> files = new List<string>();
                if (null != solutionNode)
                    EnumProjectItems(solutionNode, fileExtension, files,
                                    VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT,  // item id of solution root node
                                    0,                          // recursion from solution node
                                    true,                       // hierarchy is Solution node
                                    visibleNodesOnly);          // visibleNodesOnly
                return files;
            /// <summary>
            /// Enumerates recursively over the hierarchy items.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="hierarchy">hierarchy to enmerate over.</param>
            /// <param name="fileExtension">type of files we need to collect from the project</param>
            /// <param name="files">list of file paths</param>
            /// <param name="itemid">item id of the hierarchy</param>
            /// <param name="recursionLevel">Depth of recursion. e.g. if recursion started with the Solution
            /// node, then : Level 0 -- Solution node, Level 1 -- children of Solution, etc.</param>
            /// <param name="hierIsSolution">true if hierarchy is Solution Node. </param>
            /// <param name="visibleNodesOnly">true if only nodes visible in the Solution Explorer should
            /// be traversed. false if all project items should be traversed.</param>
            private static void EnumProjectItems(IVsHierarchy hierarchy,
                                                string fileExtension,
                                                List<string> files,
                                                uint itemid,
                                                int recursionLevel,
                                                bool hierIsSolution,
                                                bool visibleNodesOnly)
                int hr;
                IntPtr nestedHierarchyObj;
                uint nestedItemId;
                Guid hierGuid = typeof(IVsHierarchy).GUID;
                // Check first if this node has a nested hierarchy. 
                hr = hierarchy.GetNestedHierarchy(itemid, ref hierGuid, out nestedHierarchyObj, out nestedItemId);
                if (VSConstants.S_OK == hr && IntPtr.Zero != nestedHierarchyObj)
                    IVsHierarchy nestedHierarchy = Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(nestedHierarchyObj) as IVsHierarchy;
                    if (nestedHierarchy != null)
                        EnumProjectItems(nestedHierarchy, fileExtension, files,
                    // Check if the file extension of this node matches 
                    string fileFullPath;
                    hierarchy.GetCanonicalName(itemid, out fileFullPath);
                    if (CompareExtension(fileFullPath, fileExtension))
                        // add matched file paths into the list
                    //Get the first child node of the current hierarchy being walked
                    object pVar;
                    hr = hierarchy.GetProperty(itemid,
                        ((visibleNodesOnly || (hierIsSolution && recursionLevel == 1) ?
                            (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_FirstVisibleChild : (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_FirstChild)),
                        out pVar);
                    if (VSConstants.S_OK == hr)
                        // Use Depth first search so at each level we recurse to check if the node has any children
                        // and then look for siblings.
                        uint childId = GetItemId(pVar);
                        while (childId != VSConstants.VSITEMID_NIL)
                            EnumProjectItems(hierarchy, fileExtension, files, childId, recursionLevel, false, visibleNodesOnly);
                            hr = hierarchy.GetProperty(childId,
                                ((visibleNodesOnly || (hierIsSolution && recursionLevel == 1)) ?
                                    (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_NextVisibleSibling : (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_NextSibling),
                                out pVar);
                            if (VSConstants.S_OK == hr)
                                childId = GetItemId(pVar);
            /// <summary>
            /// Gets the item id.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="pvar">VARIANT holding an itemid.</param>
            /// <returns>Item Id of the concerned node</returns>
            private static uint GetItemId(object pvar)
                if (pvar == null) return VSConstants.VSITEMID_NIL;
                if (pvar is int) return (uint)(int)pvar;
                if (pvar is uint) return (uint)pvar;
                if (pvar is short) return (uint)(short)pvar;
                if (pvar is ushort) return (uint)(ushort)pvar;
                if (pvar is long) return (uint)(long)pvar;
                return VSConstants.VSITEMID_NIL;
            /// <summary>
            /// Check if the file has the expected extension.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="filePath"></param>
            /// <param name="extension"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public static bool CompareExtension(string filePath, string extension)
                bool equals = false;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath))
                    equals = (string.Compare(System.IO.Path.GetExtension(filePath), extension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0);
                return equals;
            /// <summary>
            /// Read file content from a file
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="filePath"> file path </param>
            /// <returns> file content in a string </returns>
            internal static string ReadFileContent(string filePath)
                //  Ensure that the file exists first.
                if (!File.Exists(filePath))
                    Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Cannot find the file: '{0}'", filePath));
                    return string.Empty;
                string content;
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(filePath))
                    content = reader.ReadToEnd();
                return content;
            /// <summary>
            ///  Check null references and throw
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="obj"></param>
            /// <param name="?"></param>
            public static void CheckNullArgument(object obj, string objectName)
                if (obj == null)
                    throw new System.ArgumentNullException(objectName);
            /// <summary>
            /// Get offset of the fragment from an Identifier if the identifier.value matches the
            /// name we are looking for.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="identifier"></param>
            /// <param name="expectedName"></param>
            public static RawChangeInfo AddOffsestFromIdentifier(
               Identifier identifier,
                String expectedName,
                String newName,
                Boolean keepOldQuote)
                RawChangeInfo change = null;
                if (identifier != null && String.Compare(expectedName, identifier.Value, true) == 0)
                    if (keepOldQuote)
                        QuoteType newQuote = QuoteType.NotQuoted;
                        newName = Identifier.DecodeIdentifier(newName, out newQuote);
                        newName = Identifier.EncodeIdentifier(newName, identifier.QuoteType);
                    change = new RawChangeInfo(identifier.StartOffset, identifier.FragmentLength, expectedName, newName);
                return change;
            public static IList<ChangeProposal> ConvertOffsets(
                string projectFullName,
                string fileFullPath,
                List<RawChangeInfo> changes,
                bool defaultIncluded)
                // Get the file content into IVsTextLines
                IVsTextLines textLines = GetTextLines(fileFullPath);
                int changesCount = changes.Count;
                List<ChangeProposal> changeProposals = new List<ChangeProposal>(changesCount);
                for (int changeIndex = 0; changeIndex < changesCount; changeIndex++)
                    int startLine = 0;
                    int startColumn = 0;
                    int endLine = 0;
                    int endColumn = 0;
                    RawChangeInfo currentChange = changes[changeIndex];
                    int startPosition = currentChange.StartOffset;
                    int endPosition = currentChange.StartOffset + currentChange.Length;
                    int result = textLines.GetLineIndexOfPosition(startPosition, out startLine, out startColumn);
                    if (result == VSConstants.S_OK)
                        result = textLines.GetLineIndexOfPosition(endPosition, out endLine, out endColumn);
                        if (result == VSConstants.S_OK)
                            TextChangeProposal changeProposal = new TextChangeProposal(projectFullName, fileFullPath, currentChange.NewText);
                            changeProposal.StartLine = startLine;
                            changeProposal.StartColumn = startColumn;
                            changeProposal.EndLine = endLine;
                            changeProposal.EndColumn = endColumn;
                            changeProposal.Included = defaultIncluded;
                    if (result != VSConstants.S_OK)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to convert offset");
                return changeProposals;
            /// <summary>
            /// Get IVsTextLines from a file.  If that file is in RDT, get text buffer from it.
            /// If the file is not in RDT, open that file in invisible editor and get text buffer
            /// from it.
            /// If failed to get text buffer, it will return null.        
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="fullPathFileName">File name with full path.</param>
            /// <returns>Text buffer for that file.</returns>
            private static IVsTextLines GetTextLines(string fullPathFileName)
                System.IServiceProvider serviceProvider = DataPackage.Instance;
                IVsTextLines textLines = null;
                IVsRunningDocumentTable rdt = (IVsRunningDocumentTable)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsRunningDocumentTable));
                if (rdt != null)
                    IVsHierarchy ppHier = null;
                    uint pitemid, pdwCookie;
                    IntPtr ppunkDocData = IntPtr.Zero;
                        rdt.FindAndLockDocument((uint)(_VSRDTFLAGS.RDT_NoLock), fullPathFileName, out ppHier, out pitemid, out ppunkDocData, out pdwCookie);
                        if (pdwCookie != 0)
                            if (ppunkDocData != IntPtr.Zero)
                                    // Get text lines from the doc data
                                    IVsPersistDocData docData = (IVsPersistDocData)Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(ppunkDocData);
                                    if (docData is IVsTextLines)
                                        textLines = (IVsTextLines)docData;
                                        textLines = null;
                                catch (ArgumentException)
                                    // Do nothing here, it will return null stream at the end.
                            // The file is not in RDT, open it in invisible editor and get the text lines from it.
                            IVsInvisibleEditor invisibleEditor = null;
                            TryGetTextLinesAndInvisibleEditor(fullPathFileName, out invisibleEditor, out textLines);
                        if (ppunkDocData != IntPtr.Zero)
                return textLines;
            /// <summary>
            /// Open the file in invisible editor in the running
            /// documents table (RDT), and get text buffer from that editor.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="fullPathFileName">File name with full path.</param>
            /// <param name="spEditor">The result invisible editor.</param>
            /// <param name="textLines">The result text buffer.</param>
            /// <returns>True, if the file is opened correctly in invisible editor.</returns>
            private static bool TryGetTextLinesAndInvisibleEditor(string fullPathFileName, out IVsInvisibleEditor spEditor, out IVsTextLines textLines)
                System.IServiceProvider serviceProvider = DataPackage.Instance;
                spEditor = null;
                textLines = null;
                // Need to open this file.  Use the invisible editor manager to do so.
                IVsInvisibleEditorManager spIEM;
                IntPtr ppDocData = IntPtr.Zero;
                bool result;
                Guid IID_IVsTextLines = typeof(IVsTextLines).GUID;
                    spIEM = (IVsInvisibleEditorManager)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IVsInvisibleEditorManager));
                    spIEM.RegisterInvisibleEditor(fullPathFileName, null, (uint)_EDITORREGFLAGS.RIEF_ENABLECACHING, null, out spEditor);
                    if (spEditor != null)
                        int hr = spEditor.GetDocData(0, ref IID_IVsTextLines, out ppDocData);
                        if (hr == VSConstants.S_OK && ppDocData != IntPtr.Zero)
                            textLines = Marshal.GetTypedObjectForIUnknown(ppDocData, typeof(IVsTextLines)) as IVsTextLines;
                            result = true;
                            result = false;
                        result = false;
                    if (ppDocData != IntPtr.Zero)
                return result;
  7. 按一下 [檔案] 功能表上的 [儲存 SampleHelper.cs]。

  8. 將名為 RawChangeInfo 的類別加入至專案。

  9. 在程式碼編輯器中,將程式碼更新為符合下列各行程式碼:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    namespace MySamples.Refactoring
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper class to encapsulate StartOffset, FragmentLength and change string from
        /// parser and SchemaAnalzyer.
        /// </summary>
        internal sealed class RawChangeInfo
            private int _startOffset;
            private int _length;
            private string _oldText;
            private string _newText;
            public RawChangeInfo(int startOffset, int length, string oldText, string newText)
                _startOffset = startOffset;
                _length = length;
                _oldText = oldText;
                _newText = newText;
            public int StartOffset
                    return _startOffset;
                    _startOffset = value;
            public int Length
                    return _length;
            public string OldText
                    return _oldText;
            public string NewText
                    return _newText;
                    _newText = value;
  10. 按一下 [檔案] 功能表上的 [儲存 RawChangeInfo.cs]。

    接下來,您將定義 CasingRefactoringCommand 類別。

若要定義 CasingRefactoringCommand 類別

  1. 將名為 CasingRefactorCommand 的類別加入至專案。

  2. 在程式碼編輯器中,將 using 陳述式更新為符合下列程式碼:

    using Microsoft.Data.Schema.Extensibility;
    using Microsoft.Data.Schema.SchemaModel;
    using Microsoft.Data.Schema.SchemaModel.Abstract;
    using Microsoft.Data.Schema.Sql;
    using Microsoft.Data.Schema.Sql.SchemaModel;
    using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Schema.Package.Project;
    using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Schema.Package.Refactoring;
  3. 將命名空間變更為 MySamples.Refactoring:

    namespace MySamples.Refactoring
  4. 將類別定義更新為符合下列各行程式碼:

        internal class CasingRefactorCommand : RefactoringSchemaViewNodeCommand

    該屬性可用來指定與此重構類型相容的「資料庫結構描述提供者」(Database Schema Provider)。 對於此範例,您的新重構類型會與從 SqlDatabaseSchemaProvider 衍生的任何提供者搭配使用。 您的類別繼承 RefactoringSchemaViewNodeCommand。 繼承自此基底類別表示您的重構類型可用於 [結構描述檢視] 中的指定節點上。 可以定義其他類型的重構,其可操作檔案節點和專案節點。

  5. 接下來,將下列覆寫方法加入至類別:

    public override void Execute(IDatabaseProjectNode currentProject, IModelElement selectedModelElement)
                CasingRefactorOperation operation = new CasingRefactorOperation(currentProject, selectedModelElement);

    此方法提供使用者 [結構描述檢視] 中套用重構命令時的行為。

  6. 接下來,將下列覆寫方法加入至類別:

            public override QueryStatusResult QueryStatus(IModelElement selectedModelElement)
                if (selectedModelElement is IDatabaseColumnSource
                    || selectedModelElement is ISqlSimpleColumn
                    || selectedModelElement is ISqlProcedure
                    || selectedModelElement is ISqlFunction 
                    || selectedModelElement is ISqlIndex
                    || selectedModelElement is ISqlConstraint)
                    return QueryStatusResult.Enabled;
                    return QueryStatusResult.Invisible;

    此方法決定重構命令可用於 [結構描述檢視] 中的節點。

  7. 最後,將下列覆寫方法加入至類別:

            public override string Text
                get { return "Make First Letter Uppercase"; }


  8. 按一下 [檔案] 功能表上的 [儲存 CasingRefactoringCommand.cs]。

    接下來,您將定義 CasingRefactoringOperation 類別。

若要定義 CasingRefactoringOperation 類別

  1. 將名為 CasingRefactoringOperation 的類別加入至專案。

  2. 在程式碼編輯器中,將 using 陳述式更新為符合下列程式碼:

    using System;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Globalization;
    using Microsoft.Data.Schema.SchemaModel;
    using Microsoft.Data.Schema.Sql.SchemaModel;
    using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Schema.Package.Project;
    using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Schema.Package.Refactoring;
  3. 將命名空間變更為 MySamples.Refactoring:

    namespace MySamples.Refactoring
  4. 將類別定義更新為符合下列各行程式碼:

        internal class CasingRefactorOperation : RefactoringOperation

    您的類別必須繼承 RefactoringOperation

  5. 將下列常數和成員變數宣告加入至類別:

            #region Const
            private const string CasingRefactorOperationName = @"Make First Letter Uppercase";
            private const string OperationDescription = @"Make First Letter Uppercase";
            private const string OperationTextViewDescription = @"Preview changes:";
            private const string PreviewDialogTitle = @"Preview Changes - {0}";
            private const string ConfirmButtonText = @"&Apply";
            private const string CasingUndoDescription = @"Make first letter uppercase - {0}";
            private string _operationName;
            private PreviewWindowInfo _previewWindowInfo;
            private ISqlModelElement _modelElement;

    私用常數提供將出現在 [預覽視窗] 中的關於此作業的資訊。

  6. 加入類別的建構函式:

    public CasingRefactorOperation(IDatabaseProjectNode currentProject, IModelElement selectedModelElement)
                : base(currentProject)
                _operationName = CasingRefactorOperationName;
                if (selectedModelElement as ISqlModelElement != null)
                    _modelElement = selectedModelElement as ISqlModelElement;


  7. 覆寫 PreviewWindowInfo 屬性以取得當使用者套用重構類型時將在 [預覽視窗] 中顯示的值。

            /// <summary>
            /// Preview dialog information for this RenameRefactorOperation.
            /// </summary>
            protected override PreviewWindowInfo PreviewWindowInfo
                    if (_previewWindowInfo == null)
                        _previewWindowInfo = new PreviewWindowInfo();
                        _previewWindowInfo.ConfirmButtonText = ConfirmButtonText;
                        _previewWindowInfo.Description = OperationDescription;
                        _previewWindowInfo.HelpContext = String.Empty;
                        _previewWindowInfo.TextViewDescription = OperationTextViewDescription;
                        _previewWindowInfo.Title = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,PreviewDialogTitle, CasingRefactorOperationName);
                    return _previewWindowInfo;
  8. 提供額外的屬性定義:

            protected override string OperationName
                    return _operationName;
            /// <summary>
            /// Undo Description used in undo stack
            /// </summary>
            protected override string UndoDescription
                    return string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,
                        CasingUndoDescription, SampleHelper.GetModelElementName(this.ModelElement));
            /// <summary>
            /// SchemaIdentifier of currently selected schema object
            /// </summary>
            public ISqlModelElement ModelElement
                    return _modelElement;
                    _modelElement = value;
  9. 最後,覆寫 OnGetContributorInput 方法:

            /// <summary>
            /// According to different selected node, create different CasingContributorInput
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns></returns>
            protected override ContributorInput OnGetContributorInput()
                ContributorInput input = null;
                SqlSchemaModel dataSchemaModel = this.CurrentDataSchemaModel as SqlSchemaModel;
                // You might choose to throw an exception here if 
                // schemaModel is null.
                Debug.Assert(dataSchemaModel != null, "DataSchemaModel is null.");
                // create contributor input used in this operation
                input = new CasingContributorInput(this.ModelElement);
                return input;

    此方法會建立 ContributorInput,其會傳遞至此重構類型的重構參與者。

  10. 按一下 [檔案] 功能表上的 [儲存 CasingRefactoringOperation.cs]。

    接下來,您將定義 CasingContributorInput 類別。

若要定義 CasingContributorInput 類別

  1. 將名為 CasingContributorInput 的類別加入至專案。

  2. 在程式碼編輯器中,將 using 陳述式更新為符合下列程式碼:

    using System;
    using Microsoft.Data.Schema.Sql.SchemaModel;
    using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Schema.Package.Refactoring;
  3. 將命名空間變更為 MySamples.Refactoring:

    namespace MySamples.Refactoring
  4. 將類別定義更新為符合下列各行程式碼:

        internal class CasingContributorInput: ContributorInput

    您的類別必須繼承 ContributorInput

  5. 定義一個其他私用成員變數:

            private ISqlModelElement _modelElement;


  6. 加入類別建構函式:

            public CasingContributorInput(ISqlModelElement modelElement)
                _modelElement = modelElement;


  7. 加入模型項目的唯讀公用屬性:

            /// <summary>
            /// Selected model element
            /// </summary>
            public ISqlModelElement ModelElement
                    return _modelElement;
  8. [覆寫 Equals] 方法提供比較,並且判斷兩個 CasingContributorInput 物件是否相等:

            /// <summary>
            /// Override Equals
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="obj"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public override bool Equals(object obj)
                CasingContributorInput other = obj as CasingContributorInput;
                return _modelElement.Equals(other.ModelElement);


  9. 覆寫 GetHashCode 方法:

            /// <summary>
            /// Override GetHashCode
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public override int GetHashCode()
                Int32 hash = _modelElement.GetHashCode();
                return hash;
  10. 按一下 [檔案] 功能表上的 [儲存 CasingContributorInput.cs]。

    接下來,您將定義 CasingSymbolContributor 類別。

若要定義 CasingSymbolContributor 類別

  1. 將名為 CasingSymbolContributor 的類別加入至專案。

  2. 在程式碼編輯器中,將 using 陳述式更新為符合下列程式碼:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Globalization;
    using Microsoft.Data.Schema.Extensibility;
    using Microsoft.Data.Schema.SchemaModel;
    using Microsoft.Data.Schema.ScriptDom.Sql;
    using Microsoft.Data.Schema.Sql.SchemaModel;
    using Microsoft.Data.Schema.Sql;
    using Microsoft.VisualStudio;
    using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Schema.Package.Refactoring;
  3. 將命名空間變更為 MySamples.Refactoring:

    namespace MySamples.Refactoring
  4. 將類別定義更新為符合下列各行程式碼:

        internal class CasingSymbolContributor : RefactoringContributor<CasingContributorInput>

    指定屬性來宣告此參與者與任何衍生自 SqlDatabaseSchemaProvider 的任何「資料庫結構描述提供者」(Database Schema Provider) 相容。 您的類別必須繼承自 CasingContributorInput 類別的 RefactoringContributor

  5. 定義其他常數和私用成員變數:

            #region Const
            private const string PreviewGroupFriendlyName = @"Schema Objects";
            private const string PreviewDescription = @"Uppercasing the first letter of schema object name and all references to this schema object.";
            private const string PreviewWarning = @"Changing casing of the schema object name may cause errors and warnings when your project is using case-sensitive collations. ";
            private RefactoringPreviewGroup _previewGroup;

    常數提供將出現在 [預覽視窗] 中的資訊。 其他成員則用來追蹤預覽群組。

  6. 加入類別建構函式:

            #region ctor
            public CasingSymbolContributor()
                _previewGroup = new RefactoringPreviewGroup(PreviewGroupFriendlyName);
                _previewGroup.Description = PreviewDescription;
                _previewGroup.WarningMessage = PreviewWarning;
                _previewGroup.EnableChangeGroupUncheck = false;
                _previewGroup.IncludeInCurrentProject = true;
                // the default icon will be used if do not register and icon for your file extensions
                //RefactoringPreviewGroup.RegisterIcon("sql", "SqlFileNode.ico");
                //RefactoringPreviewGroup.RegisterIcon(".dbproj", "DatabaseProjectNode.ico");
                // For some contributors, you might register a
                // language service here.
                //_previewGroup.RegisterLanguageService(".sql", ); 

    建構函式會初始化模型項目,建立新的預覽群組並初始化其屬性。 您也可以在這裡註冊圖示,以顯示在特定副檔名的 [預覽視窗] 中,並且可以註冊語言服務,可用來提供具有指定副檔名之檔案的語法著色。

  7. 覆寫 PreviewGroup 屬性,以傳回建立此參與者時所建立的群組:

            #region overrides
            /// <summary>
            /// Preview group for schema object files
            /// </summary>
            public override RefactoringPreviewGroup PreviewGroup
                    return _previewGroup;
                    _previewGroup = value;
  8. 覆寫 ContributeChanges(Boolean) 方法以傳回變更提議清單:

            /// <summary>
            /// Contribute to the change proposals
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="input">contributor input</param>
            /// <returns>List of change proposals with corresponding contributor inputs</returns>
            protected override Tuple<IList<ChangeProposal>, IList<ContributorInput>> ContributeChanges(CasingContributorInput input)
                CasingContributorInput casingInput = input as CasingContributorInput;
                if (casingInput == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("input");
                string projectFullName;
                casingInput.RefactoringOperation.CurrentProjectHierarchy.GetCanonicalName(VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, out projectFullName);
                Tuple<IList<ChangeProposal>, IList<ContributorInput>> changes = GetChangesFromCurrentSymbolScript(
                return changes;
  9. 接下來,建立另一個類型的 ContributorInput

            /// <summary>
            /// Create a CasingReferenceContributorInput according to passed in CasingContributorInput
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="orginalInput"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            internal ContributorInput CreateCasingReferenceInput(ContributorInput orginalInput)
                CasingContributorInput casingInput = orginalInput as CasingContributorInput;
                Debug.Assert(casingInput != null, "casingInput is null");
                CasingReferenceContributorInput referenceInput = new CasingReferenceContributorInput(casingInput.ModelElement);
                referenceInput.SchemaObjectsPreviewGroup = this.PreviewGroup;
                referenceInput.RefactoringOperation = casingInput.RefactoringOperation;
                return referenceInput;

    這個額外的 ContributorInput 類型用來處理所有對已更新符號元素的參考。 這個方法由下一個方法呼叫。

  10. 加入方法以建置包含正在重構之符號定義的指令碼變更清單:

            public Tuple<IList<ChangeProposal>, IList<ContributorInput>> GetChangesFromCurrentSymbolScript(
                string projectFullName,
                ContributorInput input,
                ISqlModelElement modelElement,
                Boolean defaultChecked)
                SampleHelper.CheckNullArgument(input, "input");
                SampleHelper.CheckNullArgument(modelElement, "modelElement");
                SqlSchemaModel dataSchemaModel = input.RefactoringOperation.CurrentDataSchemaModel as SqlSchemaModel;
                Debug.Assert(dataSchemaModel != null, "DataSchemaModel is null.");
                List<ChangeProposal> allChanges = new List<ChangeProposal>();
                // list to hold all side effect contributor inputs
                List<ContributorInput> inputs = new List<ContributorInput>();
                string fileFullPath = null;
                ISourceInformation elementSource = modelElement.PrimarySource;
                if (elementSource != null)
                    fileFullPath = elementSource.SourceName;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileFullPath))
                    List<RawChangeInfo> changes = AnalyzeScript(dataSchemaModel, modelElement);
                    // Convert the offsets returned from parser to the line based offsets
                    allChanges.AddRange(SampleHelper.ConvertOffsets(projectFullName, fileFullPath, changes, defaultChecked));
                    // Create a CasingReferenceContributorInput, anything reference this schema object
                    // need to contribute changes for this input.
                return new Tuple<IList<ChangeProposal>, IList<ContributorInput>>(allChanges, inputs);

    則個方法會呼叫 AnalyzeScript 方法來執行指令碼項目。

  11. 加入 AnalyzeScript 方法:

            public static List<RawChangeInfo> AnalyzeScript(SqlSchemaModel dataSchemaModel, ISqlModelElement modelElement)
                SampleHelper.CheckNullArgument(dataSchemaModel, "dataSchemaModel");
                // get element source
                ISourceInformation elementSource = modelElement.PrimarySource;
                if (elementSource == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,
                        "Cannot retrieve element source of {0}", SampleHelper.GetModelElementName(modelElement)));
                // get sql fragment
                TSqlFragment fragment = elementSource.ScriptDom as TSqlFragment;
                if (fragment == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,
                        "Cannot retrieve script fragment of {0}", SampleHelper.GetModelElementName(modelElement)));
                List<RawChangeInfo> changes = new List<RawChangeInfo>();
                Identifier id = null;
                if (fragment is CreateTableStatement)  // Table
                    id = ((CreateTableStatement)fragment).SchemaObjectName.BaseIdentifier;
                else if (fragment is CreateViewStatement)  // View
                    id = ((CreateViewStatement)fragment).SchemaObjectName.BaseIdentifier;
                else if (fragment is ColumnDefinition)   // Column
                    id = ((ColumnDefinition)fragment).ColumnIdentifier;
                else if (fragment is CreateProcedureStatement)  // Proc
                    ProcedureReference procRef = ((CreateProcedureStatement)fragment).ProcedureReference;
                    if (procRef != null)
                        id = procRef.Name.BaseIdentifier;
                else if (fragment is CreateFunctionStatement)    // Function
                    id = ((CreateFunctionStatement)fragment).Name.BaseIdentifier;
                else if (fragment is CreateIndexStatement)       // Index
                    id = ((CreateIndexStatement)fragment).Name;
                else if (fragment is Constraint)    // inline constraint
                    id = ((Constraint)fragment).ConstraintIdentifier;
                else if (fragment is AlterTableAddTableElementStatement)     // default/check constraints
                    IList<Constraint> constraints = ((AlterTableAddTableElementStatement)fragment).TableConstraints;
                    Debug.Assert(constraints.Count == 1, string.Format("Only one constraint expected, actual {0}", constraints.Count));
                    id = constraints[0].ConstraintIdentifier;
                else  // anything NYI
                    Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Uppercasing symbol of type {0} is not implemented yet.", fragment.GetType().Name));
                string oldName = SampleHelper.GetModelElementSimpleName(modelElement);
                if (id != null && oldName.Length > 0)
                    string newName = oldName.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + oldName.Substring(1); // upper casing the first letter
                    if (string.CompareOrdinal(oldName, newName) != 0)
                        RawChangeInfo change = SampleHelper.AddOffsestFromIdentifier(id, oldName, newName, true);
                        if (change != null)
                return changes;

    這個方法需要正在重構之項目的來源指令碼。 然後,方法會擷取該來源指令碼的 SQL 片段。 然後,方法會建立新的變更清單,判斷項 目的識別碼 (根據片段的類型),然後將新變更加入變更清單。

  12. 按一下 [檔案] 功能表上的 [儲存 CasingSymbolContributor.cs]。

    接下來,您將定義 CasingReferenceContributorInput 類別。

若要定義 CasingReferenceContributorInput 類別

  1. 將名為 CasingReferenceContributorInput 的類別加入至專案。

  2. 在程式碼編輯器中,將 using 陳述式更新為符合下列程式碼:

    using System;
    using Microsoft.Data.Schema.Sql.SchemaModel;
    using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Schema.Package.Refactoring;
  3. 將命名空間變更為 MySamples.Refactoring:

    namespace MySamples.Refactoring
  4. 將類別定義更新為符合下列各行程式碼:

        internal class CasingReferenceContributorInput: ContributorInput

    您的類別必須繼承 ContributorInput

  5. 定義其他私用成員變數:

            private ISqlModelElement _modelElement;
            private RefactoringPreviewGroup _previewGroup;


  6. 加入類別建構函式:

            public CasingReferenceContributorInput(ISqlModelElement modelElement)
                _modelElement = modelElement;


  7. 加入模型項目的唯讀公用屬性:

            /// <summary>
            /// Selected model element
            /// </summary>
            public ISqlModelElement ModelElement
                    return _modelElement;
  8. 針對由此參與者識別的變更,定義其他預覽群組:

            /// <summary>
            /// Preview group that change proposals belong to
            /// </summary>
            public RefactoringPreviewGroup SchemaObjectsPreviewGroup
                    return _previewGroup;
                    _previewGroup = value; 
  9. [覆寫 Equals] 方法提供比較,並且判斷兩個 CasingReferenceContributorInput 物件是否相等:

            /// <summary>
            /// Override Equals
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="obj"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public override bool Equals(object obj)
                CasingContributorInput other = obj as CasingContributorInput;
                return _modelElement.Equals(other.ModelElement);


  10. 覆寫 GetHashCode 方法:

            /// <summary>
            /// Override GetHashCode
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public override int GetHashCode()
                Int32 hash = _modelElement.GetHashCode();
                return hash;
  11. 按一下 [檔案] 功能表上的 [儲存 CasingReferenceContributorInput.cs]。

    接下來,您將定義 CasingReferenceContributor 類別。

若要定義 CasingReferenceContributor 類別

  1. 將名為 CasingReferenceContributor 的類別加入至專案。

  2. 在程式碼編輯器中,將 using 陳述式更新為符合下列程式碼:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using Microsoft.Data.Schema.Extensibility;
    using Microsoft.Data.Schema.SchemaModel;
    using Microsoft.Data.Schema.ScriptDom.Sql;
    using Microsoft.Data.Schema.Sql.SchemaModel;
    using Microsoft.Data.Schema.Sql;
    using Microsoft.VisualStudio;
    using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Schema.Package.Refactoring;
  3. 將命名空間變更為 MySamples.Refactoring:

    namespace MySamples.Refactoring
  4. 將類別定義更新為符合下列各行程式碼:

        internal class CasingReferenceContributor : RefactoringContributor<CasingReferenceContributorInput>

    指定屬性來宣告此參與者與任何衍生自 SqlDatabaseSchemaProvider 的任何「資料庫結構描述提供者」(Database Schema Provider) 相容。 您的類別必須繼承自 CasingReferenceContributorInput 類別的 RefactoringContributor

  5. 定義其他常數和私用成員變數:

            #region Const
            private const string PreviewGroupFriendlyName = @"Schema Objects";
            private const string PreviewDescription = @"Uppercasing the name of this schema object and all references to this schema object.";
            private const string PreviewWarning = @"Changing casing of the schema object name may cause errors and warnings when your project is using case-sensitive collations. ";
            private RefactoringPreviewGroup _previewGroup;

    常數提供將出現在 [預覽視窗] 中的資訊。 其他成員則用來追蹤預覽群組。

  6. 加入類別建構函式:

            public CasingReferenceContributor()
  7. 覆寫 PreviewGroup 屬性,以傳回建立此參與者時所建立的群組:

            #region overrides
            /// <summary>
            /// Preview group for text files
            /// </summary>
            public override RefactoringPreviewGroup PreviewGroup
                    return _previewGroup;
                    _previewGroup = value;
  8. 覆寫 ContributeChanges(Boolean) 方法以傳回變更提議清單:

            /// <summary>
            /// Contribute to the change proposals
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="input">contributor input</param>
            /// <returns>List of change proposals with corresponding contributor inputs</returns>
            protected override Tuple<IList<ChangeProposal>, IList<ContributorInput>> ContributeChanges(CasingReferenceContributorInput input)
                // cast input into reference input
                CasingReferenceContributorInput casingReferenceInput = input as CasingReferenceContributorInput;
                if (casingReferenceInput == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("input");
                // Make sure CasingReferenceContributor and CasingSymbolContributor for a same refactoring operation
                // share the same preview group instance.
                if (casingReferenceInput.SchemaObjectsPreviewGroup != null)
                    _previewGroup = casingReferenceInput.SchemaObjectsPreviewGroup;
                string projectFullName;
                casingReferenceInput.RefactoringOperation.CurrentProjectHierarchy.GetCanonicalName(VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, out projectFullName);
                Tuple<IList<ChangeProposal>, IList<ContributorInput>> changes = GetChangesFromReferencedSymbolScripts(
                return changes;

    ContributeChangesMethod 會呼叫 GetChangesFromReferencedSymbolScripts 方法。

  9. 實作 GetChangesFromReferencedSymbolScripts 方法來傳回包含正在更新符號之參考的變更提議清單:

            public static Tuple<IList<ChangeProposal>, IList<ContributorInput>> GetChangesFromReferencedSymbolScripts(
                string projectFullName,
                ContributorInput input,
                ISqlModelElement modelElement,
                bool defaultChecked  // if the preview group is by default checked in the preview window
                SampleHelper.CheckNullArgument(input, "input");
                SqlSchemaModel dataSchemaModel = input.RefactoringOperation.CurrentDataSchemaModel as SqlSchemaModel;
                Debug.Assert(dataSchemaModel != null, "The DataSchemaModel is null for current Database project.");
                // Get all the changes for these schema objects that referencing the changed IModelElement.
                List<ChangeProposal> allChanges = new List<ChangeProposal>();
                Dictionary<string, List<RawChangeInfo>> fileChanges = new Dictionary<string, List<RawChangeInfo>>();
                List<RelationshipEntrySource> relationshipEntrySources = GetDependentEntries(dataSchemaModel, modelElement, true, true);
                foreach (var entry in relationshipEntrySources)
                    string fileFullPath = entry.Item1.SourceName;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileFullPath))
                        IList<RawChangeInfo> result = AnalyzeRelationshipEntrySource(dataSchemaModel, modelElement, entry.Item2, entry.Item1);
                        if (result != null)
                            List<RawChangeInfo> fileChange = null;
                            if (!fileChanges.TryGetValue(fileFullPath, out fileChange))
                                fileChange = new List<RawChangeInfo>();
                                fileChanges.Add(fileFullPath, fileChange);
                // Convert the offsets returned from ScriptDom to the line based offsets
                foreach (string fileFullPath in fileChanges.Keys)
                // Change propagation is not considered in this sample. 
                // Thus the second value in the returned Tuple is set to null
                return new Tuple<IList<ChangeProposal>, IList<ContributorInput>>(allChanges, null);

    此方法會擷取已更新符號的所有相依性清單。 然後,它會針對每個參考呼叫 AnalyzeRelationshipEntrySource 方法,以識別需要的任何其他變更。

  10. 加入 AnalyzeRelationshipEntrySource 方法:

            public static IList<RawChangeInfo> AnalyzeRelationshipEntrySource(
                SqlSchemaModel dataSchemaModel,
                ISqlModelElement modelElement,
                ISourceInformation relationshipEntrySource)
                SampleHelper.CheckNullArgument(dataSchemaModel, "dataSchemaModel");
                List<Identifier> identifiers = new List<Identifier>();
                TSqlFragment fragment = relationshipEntrySource.ScriptDom as TSqlFragment;
                // handle expressions
                if (fragment is SelectColumn)
                    Expression exp = ((SelectColumn)fragment).Expression;// as Expression;
                    fragment = exp as TSqlFragment;
                else if (fragment is ExpressionWithSortOrder)
                    Expression exp = ((ExpressionWithSortOrder)fragment).Expression; // as Expression;
                    fragment = exp as TSqlFragment;
                else if (fragment is ExpressionGroupingSpecification)
                    Expression exp = ((ExpressionGroupingSpecification)fragment).Expression; // as Expression;
                    fragment = exp as TSqlFragment;
                // handle different fragment
                if (fragment is Identifier)
                    identifiers.Add((Identifier)fragment); ;
                else if (fragment is Column)
                else if (fragment is ColumnWithSortOrder)
                else if (fragment is SchemaObjectName)
                else if (fragment is SchemaObjectTableSource)
                else if (fragment is SchemaObjectDataModificationTarget)
                else if (fragment is FunctionCall)
                    FunctionCall funcCall = (FunctionCall)fragment;
                    IdentifiersCallTarget identsCallTarget = funcCall.CallTarget as IdentifiersCallTarget;
                    if (identsCallTarget != null)
                else if (fragment is ProcedureReference)
                    SchemaObjectName procRefName = ((ProcedureReference)fragment).Name;
                    if (procRefName != null)
                else if (fragment is TriggerObject)
                    SchemaObjectName triggerName = ((TriggerObject)fragment).Name;
                    if (triggerName != null)
                else if (fragment is FullTextIndexColumn)
                else if (fragment is SecurityTargetObject)
                else  // other types of fragments are not handled in this sample
                    Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Uppercasing referencing object of type {0} is not implemented yet.", fragment.GetType().Name));
                List<RawChangeInfo> changes = new List<RawChangeInfo>();
                string oldName = SampleHelper.GetModelElementSimpleName(modelElement);
                if (identifiers.Count > 0 && oldName.Length > 0)
                    string newName = oldName.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + oldName.Substring(1); // upper casing the first letter
                    if (string.CompareOrdinal(oldName, newName) != 0)
                        // list of changes for this relationship entry
                        RawChangeInfo change = null;
                        foreach (Identifier idf in identifiers)
                            change = SampleHelper.AddOffsestFromIdentifier(idf, oldName, newName, true);
                            if (change != null)
                return changes;


  11. 加入 GetDependentEntries 方法:

            /// <summary>
            ///  Get all relating relationship entries for the model element and its composing and hierarchical children
            /// </summary>
            internal static List<System.Tuple<ISourceInformation, IModelRelationshipEntry>> GetDependentEntries(
                SqlSchemaModel dataSchemaModel,
                ISqlModelElement modelElement,
                bool ignoreComposedRelationship,
                bool includeChildDependencies)
                SampleHelper.CheckNullArgument(dataSchemaModel, "dataSchemaModel");
                SampleHelper.CheckNullArgument(modelElement, "modelElement");
                var dependencies = new List<System.Tuple<ISourceInformation, IModelRelationshipEntry>>();
                List<IModelRelationshipEntry> relatingRelationships = new List<IModelRelationshipEntry>();
                                    new Dictionary<IModelElement, Object>(),
                foreach (IModelRelationshipEntry entry in relatingRelationships)
                    ModelRelationshipType relationshipType = entry.RelationshipClass.ModelRelationshipType;
                    if (!ignoreComposedRelationship ||
                        (relationshipType != ModelRelationshipType.Composing))
                        ISqlModelElement relatingElement = entry.FromElement as ISqlModelElement;
                        Debug.Assert(relatingElement != null, "Relating element got from ModelStore is null.");
                        foreach (var si in relatingElement.GetRelationshipEntrySources(entry))
                            dependencies.Add(new System.Tuple<ISourceInformation, IModelRelationshipEntry>(si, entry));
                return dependencies;
            private static void GetDependentEntries(
                IModelElement modelElement,
                DataSchemaModel dataSchemaModel,
                Dictionary<IModelElement, Object> visitElement,
                List<IModelRelationshipEntry> relationshipEntries,
                Boolean includeChildDependencies)
                if (modelElement != null &&
                    visitElement[modelElement] = null;
                    IList<IModelRelationshipEntry> relatingRelationships = modelElement.GetReferencingRelationshipEntries();
                    if (includeChildDependencies)
                        // First loop through all composed children of this element, and get their relationship entries as well
                        foreach (IModelRelationshipEntry entry in modelElement.GetReferencedRelationshipEntries())
                            if (entry.RelationshipClass.ModelRelationshipType == ModelRelationshipType.Composing)
                                GetDependentEntries(entry.Element, dataSchemaModel, visitElement, relationshipEntries, includeChildDependencies);
                        // Then loop through all hierarchical children of this element, add their dependents to the list.
                        foreach (IModelRelationshipEntry entry in relatingRelationships)
                            if (entry.RelationshipClass.ModelRelationshipType == ModelRelationshipType.Hierarchical)
                                GetDependentEntries(entry.FromElement, dataSchemaModel, visitElement, relationshipEntries, includeChildDependencies);

    按一下 [檔案] 功能表上的 [儲存 CasingReferenceContributor.cs]。



  1. 按一下 [專案] 功能表上的 [CasingRefactoringType 屬性]。

  2. 按一下 [簽署] 索引標籤。

  3. 按一下 [簽署組件]。

  4. 在 [選擇強式名稱金鑰檔] 中,按一下 [<新增>]。

  5. 在 [建立強式名稱金鑰] 對話方塊的 [金鑰檔名稱] 中,輸入 MyRefKey。

  6. (選擇性) 您可以為強式名稱金鑰檔指定密碼。

  7. 按一下 [確定]。

  8. 在 [檔案] 功能表上按一下 [全部儲存]。

  9. 在 [建置] 功能表上,按一下 [建置方案]。

    接下來,您必須安裝並註冊組件,以便出現在可用的「測試條件」(Test Condition) 中。


若要安裝 CasingRefactoringType 組件

  1. 在 %Program Files%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VSTSDB\Extensions 資料夾中建立名為 MyExtensions 的資料夾。

  2. 將已簽署的組件 (CasingRefactoringType.dll) 複製到 %Program Files%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VSTSDB\Extensions\MyExtensions 資料夾。


    建議您不要直接將 XML 檔案複製到 %Program Files%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VSTSDB\Extensions 資料夾中。 如果改用子資料夾,可以防止不小心變更 Visual Studio 隨附的其他檔案。

    接下來,您必須註冊組件 (一種「擴充功能」(Feature Extension) 類型),以便讓它出現在 Visual Studio 中。

若要註冊 CasingRefactoringType 組件

  1. 按一下 [檢視] 功能表上的 [其他視窗],然後按一下 [命令視窗] 開啟 [命令] 視窗。

  2. 在 [命令] 視窗中輸入下列程式碼。 將 FilePath 替代為已編譯之 .dll 檔案的路徑和檔案名稱。 請在路徑和檔案名稱周圍加上引號。


    根據預設,已編譯之 .dll 檔案的路徑為 <您的方案路徑>\bin\Debug 或 <您的方案路徑>\bin\Release。

    ? System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom("FilePath").FullName
    ? System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom(@"FilePath").FullName
  3. 按 ENTER。

  4. 將產生的程式碼行複製到剪貼簿中。 此程式碼行應該與下列程式碼相似:

    "GeneratorAssembly, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn"
  5. 開啟純文字編輯器,如 [記事本]。


    在 Windows Vista 和 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 上,做為管理員開啟編輯器,以便可以將檔案儲存至 Program Files 資料夾。

  6. 提供下列資訊,並指定您自己的組件名稱、公開金鑰語彙基元和副檔名類型:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> 
    <extensions assembly="" version="1" xmlns="urn:Microsoft.Data.Schema.Extensions" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:Microsoft.Data.Schema.Extensions Microsoft.Data.Schema.Extensions.xsd">
      <extension type="MySamples.Refactoring.CasingRefactorCommand" 
    assembly=" CasingRefactoringType, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=<enter key here>" enabled="true" />
      <extension type="MySamples.Refactoring.CasingSymbolContributor" 
            assembly="CasingRefactoringType, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=<enter key here>" enabled="true" />
      <extension type="MySamples.Refactoring.CasingReferenceContributor" 
            assembly="CasingRefactoringType, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=<enter key here>" enabled="true" />

    您可使用此 XML 檔案註冊繼承自 RefactoringCommand 的類別,以及衍生自 RefactoringContributor 的所有相關類別。

  7. 將此檔案另存為 %Program Files%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VSTSDB\Extensions\MyExtensions 資料夾中的 CasingRefactoringType.extensions.xml。

  8. 關閉 Visual Studio。




  1. 在 [檔案] 功能表中,指向 [新增],然後按一下 [專案]。

  2. 展開 [已安裝的範本] 底下的 [資料庫] 節點,然後按一下 [SQL Server] 節點。

  3. 在範本清單中,按一下 [SQL Server 2008 資料庫專案]。

  4. 按一下 [確定] 接受預設專案名稱並建立專案。



  1. 按一下 [檢視] 功能表上的 [資料庫結構描述檢視]。

  2. 在 [結構描述檢視] 中依序展開 [結構描述] 節點和 [dbo] 節點,以滑鼠右鍵按一下 [資料表] 節點,指向 [加入],然後按一下 [資料表]。

  3. 在 [加入新項目] 對話方塊的 [名稱] 中,輸入 employee。



  4. 按一下 [確定]。

  5. 展開 [資料表] 節點,以滑鼠右鍵按一下 [employee] 節點,指向 [加入],然後按一下 [主索引鍵]。

  6. 在 [加入新項目] 對話方塊的 [名稱] 中,輸入 PK_Employee_column_1。

  7. 按一下 [確定]。



  1. 在 [結構描述檢視] 中,以滑鼠右鍵按一下 [employee] 資料表節點,指向 [重構],然後按一下 [讓第一個字母大寫]。


  2. 在 [預覽變更] 對話方塊中,檢視變更,然後按一下 [套用]。

    資料表名稱會更新為 Employee。 也會變更主索引鍵中該資料表的參考。


您可以建立自己的其他資料庫重構類型。 您也可以加入其他參與者,讓現有的資料庫重構類型可執行其他類型的檔案或物件。





