HOW TO:修改 Office Open XML 文件
這個主題顯示會開啟、修改以及儲存 Office Open XML 文件的範例。
如需有關 Office Open XML 的詳細資訊,請參閱。
這個範例會尋找文件中的第一個段落元件。 它會從段落擷取文字,然後刪除段落中的所有文字執行。 它所建立的新文字執行包含已轉換為大寫的第一個段落文字。 接著,它會將變更的 XML 序列化為 Open XML 封裝並加以關閉。
這個範例會使用在 WindowsBase 組件中找到的類別。 它會使用 System.IO.Packaging 命名空間中的型別。
public static class LocalExtensions
public static string StringConcatenate(this IEnumerable<string> source)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (string s in source)
return sb.ToString();
public static string StringConcatenate<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source,
Func<T, string> func)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (T item in source)
return sb.ToString();
public static string StringConcatenate(this IEnumerable<string> source, string separator)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (string s in source)
return sb.ToString();
public static string StringConcatenate<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source,
Func<T, string> func, string separator)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (T item in source)
return sb.ToString();
class Program
public static string ParagraphText(XElement e)
XNamespace w = e.Name.Namespace;
return e
.Elements(w + "r")
.Elements(w + "t")
.StringConcatenate(element => (string)element);
static void Main(string[] args)
const string fileName = "SampleDoc.docx";
const string documentRelationshipType =
const string stylesRelationshipType =
const string wordmlNamespace =
XNamespace w = wordmlNamespace;
using (Package wdPackage = Package.Open(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
PackageRelationship docPackageRelationship =
if (docPackageRelationship != null)
Uri documentUri = PackUriHelper.ResolvePartUri(new Uri("/", UriKind.Relative),
PackagePart documentPart = wdPackage.GetPart(documentUri);
// Load the document XML in the part into an XDocument instance.
XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(XmlReader.Create(documentPart.GetStream()));
// Find the styles part. There will only be one.
PackageRelationship styleRelation =
PackagePart stylePart = null;
XDocument styleDoc = null;
if (styleRelation != null)
Uri styleUri = PackUriHelper.ResolvePartUri(documentUri, styleRelation.TargetUri);
stylePart = wdPackage.GetPart(styleUri);
// Load the style XML in the part into an XDocument instance.
styleDoc = XDocument.Load(XmlReader.Create(stylePart.GetStream()));
XElement paraNode = xDoc
.Element(w + "body")
.Descendants(w + "p")
string paraText = ParagraphText(paraNode);
// remove all text runs
paraNode.Descendants(w + "r").Remove();
new XElement(w + "r",
new XElement(w + "t", paraText.ToUpper())
// Save the XML into the package
using (XmlWriter xw =
XmlWriter.Create(documentPart.GetStream(FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)))
Console.WriteLine("New first paragraph: >{0}<", paraText.ToUpper());
Imports <xmlns:w="">
Module Module1
<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Public Function StringConcatenate(ByVal source As IEnumerable(Of String)) As String
Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
For Each s As String In source
Return sb.ToString()
End Function
<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Public Function StringConcatenate(Of T)(ByVal source As IEnumerable(Of T), _
ByVal func As Func(Of T, String)) As String
Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
For Each item As T In source
Return sb.ToString()
End Function
<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Public Function StringConcatenate(Of T)(ByVal source As IEnumerable(Of T), _
ByVal separator As String) As String
Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
For Each s As T In source
Return sb.ToString()
End Function
<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Public Function StringConcatenate(Of T)(ByVal source As IEnumerable(Of T), _
ByVal func As Func(Of T, String), ByVal separator As String) As String
Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
For Each item As T In source
Return sb.ToString()
End Function
Public Function ParagraphText(ByVal e As XElement) As String
Dim w As XNamespace = e.Name.Namespace
Return (e.<w:r>.<w:t>).StringConcatenate(Function(element) CStr(element))
End Function
' Following function is required because VB does not support short circuit evaluation
Private Function GetStyleOfParagraph(ByVal styleNode As XElement, _
ByVal defaultStyle As String) As String
If (styleNode Is Nothing) Then
Return defaultStyle
Return styleNode.@w:val
End If
End Function
Sub Main()
Dim fileName = "SampleDoc.docx"
Dim documentRelationshipType = _
Dim stylesRelationshipType = _
Dim wordmlNamespace = _
Using wdPackage As Package = Package.Open(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite)
Dim docPackageRelationship As PackageRelationship = wdPackage _
If (docPackageRelationship IsNot Nothing) Then
Dim documentUri As Uri = PackUriHelper.ResolvePartUri(New Uri("/", _
UriKind.Relative), docPackageRelationship.TargetUri)
Dim documentPart As PackagePart = wdPackage.GetPart(documentUri)
' Load the document XML in the part into an XDocument instance.
Dim xDoc As XDocument = XDocument.Load(XmlReader.Create(documentPart.GetStream()))
' Find the styles part. There will only be one.
Dim styleRelation As PackageRelationship = documentPart _
Dim stylePart As PackagePart = Nothing
Dim styleDoc As XDocument = Nothing
If (styleRelation IsNot Nothing) Then
Dim styleUri As Uri = PackUriHelper.ResolvePartUri( _
documentUri, styleRelation.TargetUri)
stylePart = wdPackage.GetPart(styleUri)
' Load the style XML in the part into an XDocument instance.
styleDoc = XDocument.Load(XmlReader.Create(stylePart.GetStream()))
End If
Dim paraNode As XElement = xDoc.Root.<w:body>...<w:p>.FirstOrDefault()
Dim paraText As String = ParagraphText(paraNode)
' Remove all text runs.
paraNode.Add(<w:r><w:t><%= paraText.ToUpper() %></w:t></w:r>)
' Save the XML into the package.
Using xw As XmlWriter = _
XmlWriter.Create(documentPart.GetStream(FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
End Using
Console.WriteLine("New first paragraph: >{0}<", paraText.ToUpper())
End If
End Using
End Sub
End Module
如果您在執行此程式後開啟 SampleDoc.docx,就可以看到此程式已將文件中第一個段落轉換成大寫。
執行建立 Office Open XML 文件來源中所描述的範例<開啟 XML 文件>時,此範例會產生下列輸出: