
ContextMenuProvider 類別




命名空間:  Microsoft.Windows.Design.Interaction
組件:  Microsoft.Windows.Design.Interaction (在 Microsoft.Windows.Design.Interaction.dll 中)


Public MustInherit Class ContextMenuProvider _
    Inherits FeatureProvider
public abstract class ContextMenuProvider : FeatureProvider
public ref class ContextMenuProvider abstract : public FeatureProvider
type ContextMenuProvider =  
        inherit FeatureProvider
public abstract class ContextMenuProvider extends FeatureProvider

ContextMenuProvider 型別會公開下列成員。


  名稱 說明
受保護的方法 ContextMenuProvider 初始化 ContextMenuProvider 類別的新執行個體。



  名稱 說明
公用屬性 Items 取得要加入至內容功能表的項目。



  名稱 說明
公用方法 Equals 判斷指定的 Object 和目前的 Object 是否相等。 (繼承自 Object)。
受保護的方法 Finalize 允許物件在記憶體回收進行回收之前,嘗試釋放資源並執行其他清除作業。 (繼承自 Object)。
公用方法 GetHashCode 做為特定型別的雜湊函式。 (繼承自 Object)。
公用方法 GetType 取得目前執行個體的 Type。 (繼承自 Object)。
受保護的方法 MemberwiseClone 建立目前 Object 的淺層複本 (Shallow Copy)。 (繼承自 Object)。
公用方法 ToString 傳回表示目前物件的字串。 (繼承自 Object)。
公用方法 Update 引發 UpdateItemStatus 事件,讓功能表項目的可見性和已啟用狀態得以經過重新整理。



  名稱 說明
公用事件 UpdateItemStatus 在功能表項目即將顯示時發生。



當您要在內容功能表中加入項目時,可以繼承自 ContextMenuProvider 類別。 藉由套用原則 (例如 PrimarySelectionPolicySelectionParentPolicy),您可以控制建立內容功能表提供者的時機。

ContextMenuProvider 的存在只是暫時性。 不要假設它會長期存在。


在下列程式碼範例中,會說明如何從 PrimarySelectionContextMenuProvider 類別衍生自訂型別。 衍生的型別會實作自訂內容功能表,會在設計階段設定控制項的 Background 屬性。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱逐步解說:建立功能表提供者

Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Text
Imports Microsoft.Windows.Design.Interaction
Imports System.Windows
Imports Microsoft.Windows.Design.Model
Imports System.Windows.Controls
Imports System.Windows.Media

' The CustomContextMenuProvider class provides two context menu items
' at design time. These are implemented with the MenuAction class.
Class CustomContextMenuProvider
    Inherits PrimarySelectionContextMenuProvider

    Private setBackgroundToBlueMenuAction As MenuAction
    Private clearBackgroundMenuAction As MenuAction

    ' The provider's constructor sets up the MenuAction objects 
    ' and the the MenuGroup which holds them.
    Public Sub New()

        ' Set up the MenuAction which sets the control's 
        ' background to Blue.
        setBackgroundToBlueMenuAction = New MenuAction("Blue")
        setBackgroundToBlueMenuAction.Checkable = True
        AddHandler setBackgroundToBlueMenuAction.Execute, AddressOf SetBackgroundToBlue_Execute

        ' Set up the MenuAction which sets the control's 
        ' background to its default value.
        clearBackgroundMenuAction = New MenuAction("Cleared")
        clearBackgroundMenuAction.Checkable = True
        AddHandler clearBackgroundMenuAction.Execute, AddressOf ClearBackground_Execute

        ' Set up the MenuGroup which holds the MenuAction items.
        Dim backgroundFlyoutGroup As New MenuGroup("SetBackgroundsGroup", "Set Background")

        ' If HasDropDown is false, the group appears inline, 
        ' instead of as a flyout. Set to true.
        backgroundFlyoutGroup.HasDropDown = True

        ' The UpdateItemStatus event is raised immediately before 
        ' this provider shows its tabs, which provides the opportunity 
        ' to set states.
        AddHandler UpdateItemStatus, AddressOf CustomContextMenuProvider_UpdateItemStatus

    End Sub

    ' The following method handles the UpdateItemStatus event.
    ' It sets the MenuAction states according to the state
    ' of the control's Background property. This method is
    ' called before the context menu is shown.
    Sub CustomContextMenuProvider_UpdateItemStatus( _
        ByVal sender As Object, _
        ByVal e As MenuActionEventArgs)

        ' Turn everything on, and then based on the value 
        ' of the BackgroundProperty, selectively turn some off.
        clearBackgroundMenuAction.Checked = False
        clearBackgroundMenuAction.Enabled = True
        setBackgroundToBlueMenuAction.Checked = False
        setBackgroundToBlueMenuAction.Enabled = True

        ' Get a ModelItem which represents the selected control. 
        Dim selectedControl As ModelItem = _

        ' Get the value of the Background property from the ModelItem.
        Dim backgroundProperty As ModelProperty = _

        ' Set the MenuAction items appropriately.
        If Not backgroundProperty.IsSet Then
            clearBackgroundMenuAction.Checked = True
            clearBackgroundMenuAction.Enabled = False
        ElseIf backgroundProperty.ComputedValue.Equals(Brushes.Blue) Then
            setBackgroundToBlueMenuAction.Checked = True
            setBackgroundToBlueMenuAction.Enabled = False
        End If

    End Sub

    ' The following method handles the Execute event. 
    ' It sets the Background property to its default value.
    Sub ClearBackground_Execute( _
        ByVal sender As Object, _
        ByVal e As MenuActionEventArgs)

        Dim selectedControl As ModelItem = e.Selection.PrimarySelection

    End Sub

    ' The following method handles the Execute event. 
    ' It sets the Background property to Brushes.Blue.
    Sub SetBackgroundToBlue_Execute( _
        ByVal sender As Object, _
        ByVal e As MenuActionEventArgs)

        Dim selectedControl As ModelItem = e.Selection.PrimarySelection

    End Sub

End Class
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Windows.Design.Interaction;
using System.Windows;
using Microsoft.Windows.Design.Model;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Media;

namespace CustomControlLibrary.VisualStudio.Design
    // The CustomContextMenuProvider class provides two context menu items
    // at design time. These are implemented with the MenuAction class.
    class CustomContextMenuProvider : PrimarySelectionContextMenuProvider
        private MenuAction setBackgroundToBlueMenuAction;
        private MenuAction clearBackgroundMenuAction;

        // The provider's constructor sets up the MenuAction objects 
        // and the the MenuGroup which holds them.
        public CustomContextMenuProvider()
            // Set up the MenuAction which sets the control's 
            // background to Blue.
            setBackgroundToBlueMenuAction = new MenuAction("Blue");
            setBackgroundToBlueMenuAction.Checkable = true;
            setBackgroundToBlueMenuAction.Execute += 
                new EventHandler<MenuActionEventArgs>(SetBackgroundToBlue_Execute);

            // Set up the MenuAction which sets the control's 
            // background to its default value.
            clearBackgroundMenuAction = new MenuAction("Cleared");
            clearBackgroundMenuAction.Checkable = true;
            clearBackgroundMenuAction.Execute += 
                new EventHandler<MenuActionEventArgs>(ClearBackground_Execute);

            // Set up the MenuGroup which holds the MenuAction items.
            MenuGroup backgroundFlyoutGroup = 
                new MenuGroup("SetBackgroundsGroup", "Set Background");

            // If HasDropDown is false, the group appears inline, 
            // instead of as a flyout. Set to true.
            backgroundFlyoutGroup.HasDropDown = true;

            // The UpdateItemStatus event is raised immediately before 
            // this provider shows its tabs, which provides the opportunity 
            // to set states.
            UpdateItemStatus += 
                new EventHandler<MenuActionEventArgs>(

        // The following method handles the UpdateItemStatus event.
        // It sets the MenuAction states according to the state
        // of the control's Background property. This method is
        // called before the context menu is shown.
        void CustomContextMenuProvider_UpdateItemStatus(
            object sender, 
            MenuActionEventArgs e)
            // Turn everything on, and then based on the value 
            // of the BackgroundProperty, selectively turn some off.
            clearBackgroundMenuAction.Checked = false;
            clearBackgroundMenuAction.Enabled = true;
            setBackgroundToBlueMenuAction.Checked = false;
            setBackgroundToBlueMenuAction.Enabled = true;

            // Get a ModelItem which represents the selected control. 
            ModelItem selectedControl = e.Selection.PrimarySelection;

            // Get the value of the Background property from the ModelItem.
            ModelProperty backgroundProperty = 

            // Set the MenuAction items appropriately.
            if (!backgroundProperty.IsSet)
                clearBackgroundMenuAction.Checked = true;
                clearBackgroundMenuAction.Enabled = false;
            else if (backgroundProperty.ComputedValue == Brushes.Blue)
                setBackgroundToBlueMenuAction.Checked = true;
                setBackgroundToBlueMenuAction.Enabled = false;

        // The following method handles the Execute event. 
        // It sets the Background property to its default value.
        void ClearBackground_Execute(
            object sender, 
            MenuActionEventArgs e)
            ModelItem selectedControl = e.Selection.PrimarySelection;

        // The following method handles the Execute event. 
        // It sets the Background property to Brushes.Blue.
        void SetBackgroundToBlue_Execute(
            object sender, 
            MenuActionEventArgs e)
            ModelItem selectedControl = e.Selection.PrimarySelection;


這個型別的任何 Public static (在 Visual Basic 中為 Shared) 成員都具備執行緒安全。並非所有的執行個體成員都是安全執行緒。



Microsoft.Windows.Design.Interaction 命名空間







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